JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Other (I.E. Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Complaints

Review and analysis of over 6 Other (I.E. Phone, Health Club, Etc.) complaints against JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC

JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC consumers have reported over 6 official complaints related to Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.). Out of the 6 consumer complaints against JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other (I.E. Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Consumer Complaints

JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

January 19, 2017 - JH Portfolio Debt Equity is a company reporting identity theft information to -. After receiving the negative information from - I call JH Portfolio and informed them the information is fraud and was also in bankruptcy. I ask to have the information remove. The information remained in my account and was never removed. The information is damaging to me, it is destroying the intent of getting the Home Equity Line of Credit. I want it remove and my credit score back to - befor the damaging report....

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JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

November 3, 2016 - company illegally reporting debt that is not theirs and is not original debtor as well as is out of date for reporting as well as is debt that was illegal bank charges for debt card purchases under - charge...

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JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

October 31, 2016 - There is a company that reported a recent collection on my credit file which I do not have any collections in 2014. I disputed and requested validation and nothing. Re aging an old debt I thought was against the law? Please help...

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JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

September 10, 2016 - I reported identity theft to -, They sent my personal information to collector agency.They are keep sending mail.I paid that amount which was fraud in my account and They added interest which was paid by me from my bank account. They did not respond back to me while I was calling to them....

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JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 3, 2016 - I contacted the company to let them know this account has been previously removed due to ID Theft. The company sent an affidavit to be motorized and returned. The company agreed to remove the debt from my credit report. That was over 60 days ago, they said they would remove it refused to send me anything in writing. I am very upset and requesting the company remove the items from my credit report. They told me I must wait until they report....

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JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 25, 2016 - Jh portfolio debt I have a unverified account from Jh portfolio collection. I had previously disputed this account. I have never done business with agency. Pursuant to the fair debt collection practice act ( fdcpa ) I disputed the validity of the debt. I request that jh portfolio provide verification of the following : 1 ) the original application or contract. 2 ) any and all statements allegedly related to this debt. 3 ) any and all signed receipts 4 ) any and all canceled checks 5 ) original date of default and collection activity begin 6 ) whether you purchased the debt 7 ) the date ( s ) t...

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