McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. I Do Not Know Complaints

Review and analysis of over 9 I Do Not Know complaints against McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc.

McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. consumers have reported over 9 official complaints related to I do not know. Out of the 9 consumer complaints against McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc., 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New I Do Not Know Consumer Complaints

McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection threatened to contact someone or share information improperly contacted your employer

December 4, 2019 - I explained several times not to call to my place of work and they keep calling and is causing me problems....

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection attempts to collect debt not owed debt is not yours

November 12, 2019 - This company is claiming myself and my husband owe money to 5 llc 's in nevada for a total of $2900.00. This is the collection company info- Mcarthy Burgess and Wolf-- - - - - - - - - - - , Ohio - Phone - Fax - I looked up each LLC - below -and each company has been out of business since -/-/-. Invoice ( s ) : -, - ( NV ) | -, - ( NV ) | -, - ( NV ) | -, - ( NV ) | Balance Due : $2900.00 MBW No : - I have asked for the original dates that the debts were incurred and the contact information for each company - t...

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection attempts to collect debt not owed debt is not yours

May 11, 2018 - - - - attempted to add an additional day of payment onto my credit card ( I disputed that charge with - card ) for a car rental that was returned via a drop box to their parking lot on time to the - - - - - -, -, IL - location as pre-paid and contracted purchase. I have already contacted - regarding this false charge on my credit card for an additional day of rental that was not valid. They were told and situation was supposed to be resolved but still I received calls and mail from -, - and - a Collection Agency - - - - -, -...

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection attempts to collect debt not owed debt is not yours

April 5, 2018 - For weeks I have been recieving calls from a phone number which my - identifies as -, but the recording says it it from - ( -, I guess ). It gives me the reference number -. When I first called then back, they told me that they were trying to collect a debit from - - -, at a specific address in -, Fl. I told them that this is not my company and I do not have any connections to the address they gave me. They asked for my phone number to lookup their system. I gave both my home and cell. They couldnt locate it on their system. They told me it was a mistake and they wou...

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection took or threatened to take negative or legal action threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged

March 22, 2018 - Collection company harassing with Robo calls that come in 3 + times per day. this not a legitimate debt Company name is - - and - and - Call from the following number - - -...

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 16, 2016 - McCarthy , Burgess & Wolff Debt collection company has continued to call after being informed that my phone number is not associated w/the debt in collection. In addition, the calls are fully automated w/no option to be connected to an agent or other cognizant individual. Call-back to a different number is required to engage at all. Even if this is n't against policy, it 's obnoxious - especially since the debt being pursued is not mine....

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

September 16, 2016 - Company sent me an email to - telling me to contact their office for information related to a debt. I never received communication from them in the mail with information with regards to whom the original creditor is, the amount owed, and notification of my rights to dispute the debt....

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

January 28, 2016 - This company somehow not only received my personal cell phone number but my parents, friends and family members. They call every day and if I do not answer they call all of my family members. They are threatening me with a lawsuit to show up in court for a outstanding bill that they wo n't tell me what it is ... They are extremely rude and hostile on the phone. They will not give me any address or location. I have spoken with in-house legal and they told me to report it to the FTC. They say they are a law firm McCarthy Burgess & Wolff but are a debt collection agency. I have ZERO debt and my...

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McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

January 5, 2016 - I received a letter from McCarthy , Burgess & Wolff, their reference number is -. They are representing -. I have never done business with that company. McCarthy, a debt collection company, claims that I owe - I called them and told them that I did not do business with this company and that I will not pay this bill as I have never done business with -. I continue to receive letters From McCarthy , Burgess & Wolff. Whom ever incurred this debt in my name is a criminal and the victim, -, should file a police report in the proper jurisdiction. I am not responsible for this charge. ...

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