Experian Information Is Not Mine Complaints

Review and analysis of over 6,239 complaints against Experian

Experian consumers have reported over 6,239 official complaints related to Information is not mine. Out of the 6,239 consumer complaints against Experian, 11% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Experian responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Experian resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 45% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Information Is Not Mine Consumer Complaints

Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 13, 2017 - I have very directly requested an investigation to determine if I am a victim of Identity Theft or bank fraud. After not receiving proper verification as is required by Experian under Section 609 of the FCRA Experian is now in direct violation of the law. Federal law very clearly states that Experian is to provide " physical inspection of documentation '' when requested by consumer. Experian has not done this and must delete - - from my report as it clearly is not mine and unverifiable upon request....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 13, 2017 - There are two accounts listed which do not belong to me which are - # - and - - I 'm requesting these be removed ASAP...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 13, 2017 - I called the Experian customer service number they told me that inquiries can not be removed off of my report I know that is not true I would like the name the telephone number and extension of the person they speak to And the reason why If not deleted here is a list of inquiries - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - - - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - - - -/-/-. - -/-/-. - -/-/-...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 12, 2017 - I recently reached out to Experian about unauthorized inquiries I found on my report. The agent I spoke to told me to file a police report for fraud. I went to the police department here in -. I informed them of the fraud on my credit file and that I did n't give anyone permission to use my information. The desk sergeant told me that no crime was committed. She stated until I received a bill in my name, that there was nothing they could do about it. I spoke with Experian yet again and was told to file a complaint here. This is the list of inquiries that Experian refuses to remove that I di...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 12, 2017 - Despite my multiple written requests, the unverified items : -, -, and multiple unauthorized inquiries from - - to - -, still remain on my credit report in violation of Federal law. In their results of re-investigation, Experian stated, in writing " verified '' that these items are being " reported correctly ''? Experian still has not identified who in their company verified the accuracy of these accounts or how they verified them. Experian 's failure to provide me with verifiable proof required for their company to post the accounts listed above is evidence that it does not ...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 11, 2017 - Experian is reporting - credit inquiries on my credit report that i didnt authorized. -/17 - -/17 - - /17 -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 11, 2017 - The company is - account number # - for $700.00. It has original creditor is -. However during the time this account was opened i was in prison. I also advised the address thats tied to the account is not mine etiher. They are refusing to remove and saying it has been verified...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 11, 2017 - -, - SOC SEC # - - -/-/-/1990 ADDRESS - - -, - - -, FL - Dear Sir or Madam : The sole purpose of this letter is to inform you I have been a victim of identity theft. I am further requesting that you block the following fraudulent information from my credit reports so that I can proceed accordingly with my file. Once more, I want to emphasize none of the information stated below relates to any transaction that I have made. B RENT RECOVER - - - - - - - The items listed are clearly fraudulent ; therefore, I am requesting that they are de...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 10, 2017 - - is reporting on my all - of my credit files. They are saying the account belongs to me without providing with proof of a contract I signed....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 10, 2017 - Attention dispute department -, - SOC SEC # - DOB -/-/- ADDRESS - - -, -, FL - Dear Sir or Madam : The sole purpose of this letter is to inform you I have been a victim of identity theft. I am further requesting that you block the following fraudulent information from my credit reports so that I can proceed accordingly with my file. Once more, I want to emphasize none of the information stated below relates to any transaction that I have made. - - -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- $100.00 - $210.00 MIN $43.00 $130.00 - DELINQ 90 -P/-/- -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 9, 2017 - I have made several attempts to have fraudulent inquiries removed from my credit report with no resolve. Some inquires have actually been duplicated....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 8, 2017 - Dear Experian I am making a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate credit information. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100 % accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. I have been disputing several accounts with Experian every time I receive the results by mail, the item comes back as " verified '' with absolutely no proof of verification. No proof of contract or any signed documents at all. In my letters to the CRA I request physical proof of verification, while providing proo...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 7, 2017 - - SOC SEC # - DOB -/-/- ADDRESS -, FL - Todays Date : -/-/- To Whom it May Concern : Experian -, T- - - -, GA - - -, PA - I recently pulled a copy of my credit report and noticed the following information are in error : Inquires The FCRA states that the only permissible purpose for pulling someone 's credit report is a ) firm offer of credit b ) insurance c ) employment or d ) a court order. The following inquiries are related to none of the aforementioned permissible purposes. - -/-/- - - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/-...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 7, 2017 - Experian is not responding to any of my requests to investigate and remove accounts from my credit report that do not belong to me....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 6, 2017 - There are fraudulent inquiries which appear on my credit report, do not relate to any transaction ( s ) that I have made...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 6, 2017 - I received a credit inquiry alert from Experian credit monitoring service that 's provided to me. The following credit inquiry listed on my Experian credit report is fraudulent and unauthorized : -, - - -, -, OH -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 6, 2017 - My name is - -. My mother 's name is - -. We lived at the same address for some time. Her social security number has - digits different from mine. I submitted a dispute to Experian to have her information removed from my file. I sent them a detailed cover page with the name differences and her addresses vs. mine ( attached ). I also sent a copy of her bankruptcy filing, schedules and listing of credit items that were HERS and in HER bankruptcy. They did absolutely nothing with it. I understand there is some rule used by the bureaus that if an address is on more than - or -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 5, 2017 - This is a complaint regarding items I disputed that does not belong to me. I thought according to law all credit bureaus investigate items on your credit that you are disputing the same. However, comparing my credit reports it shows different results. - removed - items that did not belong to me. But Experian stated, verified. How could that be? It seems that Experian waits and holds on to the dispute for 30 days w/o properly verifying and then after 30 days just say, it was verified w/o actually verifying. The following items is not mine listed below. - ( - ) - - ( - ) I...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 3, 2017 - on -/-/2017, I received a credit inquiry alert from Experian for the following credit inquiry : - -, the credit inquiry is fraudulent and unauthorized....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 3, 2017 - I have a collection account on my credit report that does not belong to me. I have no contract with -....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 1, 2017 - countiue to report fraud accounts disputed with creditor back in - thru - from - # - $4500.00 and Civil judgement - $4500.00 from - - # - this was result of fraud neglected by - to resolve and these needs to removed from credit file...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 1, 2017 - Experian is reporting false information on my credit report. Two accounts do NOT belong to me, and these accounts are hurting my credit and my ability to obtain potential employment. I believe these - negative accounts were removed in the past, but sold to another third party collection agency in hopes to collect on a debt that does not belong to me....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 1, 2017 - I have disputed a revolving account on my credit report for over a year and still is on my credit report. I am trying to purchase a home and this account is not mine....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

April 1, 2017 - An account was fraudulently placed on my credit file by Experian. below is the account information i have requested a proper verification several times from experian to prove that the account is mine OR ELSE LET THEM DELETE IT, each time there response will be account validated without no proof for me. ACCEPTANCE NOW ACC # - DATE OPENED -/-/2013...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 31, 2017 - On Friday, -/-/2017, I received in the U.S. mail my " Experian '' credit report dated " -/-/2017. '' On " Page 28 of 30 '' under the " Record Of Requests For Your Credit History '' column it noted that " - Resident Screening '' of " -, MA - '' unlawfully accessed my " Experian '' credit report on " -/-/2017. '' On -/-/2017, I was on vacation in Hawaii. I am a victim of " Identity Theft. '' I then called up " Experian '' and they refused to " Delete '' this unlawful " Identity Theft '' entry off of my " Experian '' credit report!!!...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 31, 2017 - There have been unauthorized inquiries put on my credit report and after contacting both the bureau and the companies have not been removed. - - -/-/- - - -/-/- - -/-/- - - - -/-/- - -/-/-...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 31, 2017 - There are HARD inquiries being reported from the following companies on my credit and Experian is refusing to remove them even after I called the companies and they advised they had no information on me or any inquiries. My information was used without my authorization. Companies : The following credit inquiries are related to none of the aforementioned permissible - ( -/-/- ) - ( -/-/- ) - ( -/-/- ) - ( -/-/- )...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 30, 2017 - TODAYS DATE:-/-/- - SOC SEC # - DOB -/-/- ADDRESS -, - FL - - -, GA - Experian Dispute Department - -, Texas - -, - -, PA - -. I recently submitted a request for investigation of an Acct Number : - - -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- $1500.00 REV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - CUR WAS 60 -P/- Late Dates : LAST LATE DATE -/-/- - - -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- $700.00 REV $930.00 $930.00 $930.00 - CHARGE OFF - Late Dates : -/-/--, -/-/--, -/-/-- -/-/-- - - -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 30, 2017 - I have several creditors who pulled my credit report without my permission. Experian wants me to approach the creditors and get permission to remove the hard inquiries. There are even some companies that have ran multiple inquiries. Experian is also asking for a personal statement to remove the hard inquiries. There is no process to remove fraudulent hard inquiries on credit report on their website or by phone call. Spoke with customer service and supervisor at Experian, they will not provide evidence that the creditors pulled my credit report legitimately or had permission. This is double sta...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 30, 2017 - I called Experian and I requested that the copy block the fraudulent information on my credit report. I got a letter in the mail from Experian that said that if I could confirm my identity in conjuction with providing a theft report to Experian that this is anot optional remedy of identity theft that is afforded to me. The representative that I spoke with stated they do not do any blocking of accounts, she had never heard of such a thing, she further said that it was the creditor 's decision as to whether or not to block the fraud accounts, and that Experian has forwarded my complaint to the c...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 29, 2017 - I 've contacted Experian Credit Agency. I have not received a response from Experian with the original documentation proving this medical bill from - ACCOUNT # - actually belongs to me and should be posted on my credit. I sent a certified letter requesting the original medical records showing I signed for these services on -/-/2017 They are reporting this same account and amount owed two separate times on my credit report. I want these negative accounts removed from my experian report for lack of providing original documentation proving it belongs to me....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 27, 2017 - I received a inquiry alert from Experian on -/-/2017 in regards to - inquiring and accessing my Experian credit report. The inquiry from - is an authorized and fraudulent inquiry. It do n't belong to me....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 27, 2017 - I 've submitted info numerous times for the company - and - ( now reporting to - collection agency ). The account was opened with my SS # I contacted my local police dept. for police report for fraud account. ) I also spoke with Experian for them to validate account and no identity documentation was provided....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 27, 2017 - On -/-/17 I disputed an erroneous account appearing on my credit report ( see CFPB case # -. The line item is # - pertaining to Idaho -. Idaho - failed to reply after 60 days. Due to their failure to respond within the 30 day period set forth by federal regulations, This item must be immediately and permanently deleted from my credit report....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 25, 2017 - I am reported with experian as having used a different last name other than mine. I know nothing about this other last name and do n't understand why it is on their credit report....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 24, 2017 - I am requesting an Emergency Lock down on my credit, In the month of -/-/- I received - inquiries all within a 10 day period. I gave no consent for these and now I 'm suffering because I wish to obtain credit for legitimate purposes and these inquiries are holding me back. I have submitted a screen shot from Credit Check Total Page showing these Inquires. If you could please get rid of them asap, as me and my girlfriend, ( soon to be fianc ) and planning on buying a house THIS YEAR and need a tight report....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 23, 2017 - My ex-husband filed for bankruptcy on -/-/2013 and submitted the application with my forged signature. I did not sign or file any paperwork for this bankruptcy and had no knowledge of it being filed until yesterday. It is on my credit and affecting me greatly. I would like it to be removed. I have filed fraud case with the department of justice today. I have proof that we were n't married at the time he did this and that my signature was forged....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 23, 2017 - There are addresses that do n't belong to me and it is fraud. I never lived at these addresses and I want these addresses removed from my credit reports which are as follows. -, - - -, reported -/-/2016 -, - - -, reported -/-/2016 - - - -, -, reported -/-/2016 I have previously requested for these address and old information of previous address to be removed from my credit report the following address below -, - - - I also request that all previous telephone numbers be removed the only telephone number that I want to be listed on my fil...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 22, 2017 - - violated 15 U.S. Code Section 1692 the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, they are not a creditor they are a debt collector. - -, - a complaint was submitted with Consumer Financial Protective Bureau Case number : - for that violation ; They also violated 18 U.S. Code Chapter 63 - MAIL FRAUD AND OTHER FRAUD ; 18 U.S. Code 1341 - Frauds and swindles ; Received a - for Principal Dwelling Note Account Number - postmarked - -, -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine


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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 21, 2017 - Yes. I sent certified letters that got no response nor action taking by the company...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 18, 2017 - this is not my account at all. have not had - phone ever...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 18, 2017 - a tax lien was placed on my report and they was suppose to take it off....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 17, 2017 - there are many inquires from each of my credit reports that are not mine - - - - - 2 times - - - - Experian - - - - - card service the - - card - - - - - - 3 times - 2 times - - services - - card - - - - I have sent certified letters to all three credit bureaus and they have ignored my request to remove this information that is not mine. If this continues I will take them to small claims court for removal of this incorrect information...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 16, 2017 - Last Saturday, I applied for an " Apartment '' filling out the necessary financial " screening paperwork '' which include an " Experian '' credit report. The " Experian '' credit report falsely noted that I had a home " Foreclosure '' sometime in - or -. I am a victim of " Identity Theft '' and now after calling " Experian, '' " Experian '' is also refusing to give me a copy of my current " Credit Report '' that they have on me. I was wrongfully " Denied '' to move into this newer/nicer " Apartment '' complex all thanks to " Experian. ''...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 16, 2017 - I added my husband as an authorized user on my - rewards card. He is not a signer on the card. I just found out They are reporting it to the credit bureau. I called them and they refuse to remove or change it going forward and insist that they are allowed to do this. My husband signed a form to be added as an authorized user and nowhere on that form does it state that they would report it to his credit. I am the only card holder/signer. This should not be on his credit!...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 14, 2017 - Creditor -. I never have - as servicer, always have - for several years. Never lived in -, Florida. Never received any statement from - just found through credit report that it 's for collection already. Hoping for your immediate follow up regarding this matter....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 14, 2017 - Experian has a trade that does not belong to me with 'unknown ' status. This trade is not reported by any of the other bureaus ( which I was able to access via - ). They have made it literally impossible for me to contact them to ask for resolution through any real time channel ( phone or web ) and the only option they are giving is to dispute via mail which can take up to 30 days. I am applying for a mortgage pre-approval and do n't have that much time....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - - from Experian/- states that I do not have the right ( by federal law ) to dispute or put in an investigation on credit inquires that were not authorized by me That all credit inquires will stay on my credit for 2 years whether there verified as valid or not...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - Hello, I have called the collections account on my credit report and I do not remember opening let alone using this account with -. They insisted the account was mine without any written proof, other than this rude guy, looking at his computer screen and insisting me that the account is mine. I was checking my credit report before I ship out with the - to defend our nation, so, this came to a real surprise to me. Please assist me in having this account removed from my credit report....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - Credit report -/-/- : they have still not deleted hard inquiry for - done -/-/- ; They did not delete soft inquiries -, -, -, -, -, all done -/-/- ; they did not delete fraudulent address - , -, CA - & same address with - ; they did not delete fraudulent employer address - and fraudulent employer - from -/-/-. ORIG REQUESTED ALL -/-/- with Notary documents and affidavits....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - I have tried to dispute this online being that I was just made aware of this over the weekend. Its an account that 's in collection that I have no knowledge of. Account name : - services dated -/-/2017 $59.00. I have no knowledge of this account and have never received any mailings prior to it going to collections...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - I am a victim of identity theft and someone stole and used my personal information to open a fraudulent and unauthorized - checking and savings account : -, that do n't belong to me. I have never had or opened a - checking account. I have attached a police report and other documents to this complaint....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 13, 2017 - I am a victim of identity theft and someone stole and used my personal information to open a fraudulent and unauthorized checking and savings account with -. The checking account do n't belong to me. I have never opened a checking or savings account with -....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 11, 2017 - For the past 6 months I have tried to work with Experian and have - improperly placed accounts removed from my credit. I do understand mistakes happen but i am having problems with them correcting the error. - Account Number - BK Reference # -...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 11, 2017 - I recently applied for a credit card through -. I was not approved. I was sent a letter stating that there is a fraud alert on my credit file, and no telephone number for the lender to contact me. I have not initiated a fraud alert, and I do not understand why my telephone number is not available for a lender to contact me....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 10, 2017 - I have an account with Credit Check total. I logged in a few days back and discovered within - weeks a number of unauthorized inquiries processed with about - weeks spend of each other. I am not activity seeking credit a this time SO I require a removal of all unauthorized inquires as this is not right! I have now enclosed two items with My address which I judge to fulfill your requirement for a complete investigation : 1 ) My State Drivers License 2 ) My full credit report from Experian Credit report showing my address...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 10, 2017 - In -/-/- I called Experian twice about Inquiries showing up and disappearing and the rep told me that I needed to refresh my browser. I explained to him that its not a browser issue that something is going on with my credit score, not only that i had a fraud alert on my report, but I was told I needed to dispute them with the creditor - something that 's not mine???. I had to put a freeze on my credit because I do n't know what was going on. When I called them again to do another dispute the Customer Service did not help and take care of the negative inquiries reporting to my credit repor...

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 9, 2017 - please find attached the FTC and the dispute letter, for which i have been sending to - credit agencies for many times and they have not been able to resolve this issue, i am a victim if ID theft and have the police report attached to mu documents. - accounts are not authorized and need to be removed from my records ( attached dispute letter )....

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Experian Credit reporting incorrect information on credit report information is not mine

March 9, 2017 - In -/-/-, I got an alert from the following company ; -, regarding an amount of $1200.00. This showed up again on -/-/- after it was previously removed. Because of this, my credit is impacted by almost - points ( again ). I explained that there was a name mix up. An individual has the same first and last name and lives in a different state ( I believe it is in Texas and they had a medical bill to pay that they did not pay ). Not clear how the mix up happened. Both Experian and the - are being difficult to work with. Please help! Thanks, -...

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