Communication tactics frequent or repeated calls
Convergent Resources, Inc. Debt collection department,
I do not know Communication tactics Frequent or repeated calls New Jersey
I received 5 calls, back to back, on -/-/18. This morning, on -/-/18, I already received 2. I receive at least 3 phone calls every day from this number, 7 days a week, to the point that I had to block it in my phone. This has been ongoing for at least thirty ( 30 ) days now. I am making payments to a Convergent account on a debt and I am doing so diligently, and this is the only account I have with them. As I am making payments, there is NO need to constantly keep calling me.
Convergent Resources, Inc. customer in New Jersey
Oct 31, 2018
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Convergent Resources, Inc. response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
File ComplaintWebsite | |
Phone | (770) 604-4385 | | |
Address | 219 Perimeter Center Pkwy NE Ste 200 Atlanta GA 30346 |
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