JPMorgan Chase Credit card department,
Closing/Cancelling account Virginia
On - -, 2015, I received a letter from Chase Bank indicating that they were closing my line of credit because they no longer offer the product. They indicated that there was no cost to me and that I could pursue other credit products that the bank offered. I have had the line of credit with Chase for about 10 years. I was never late and was in full compliance under the loan agreement. Chase indicates that there is no cost to me ; however, that is an incorrect statement. There are actually at least ( 2 ) costs to me : ( 1 ) closing the account could negatively impact my - score since a portion of the - scoring is based on age of accounts, credit utilization percentage, and etc. - this could result in " higher '' borrowing costs. ( 2 ) there is the cost of my time in reseaching other credit products with other banks. As a Treasury/Banking Professional for a Government Agency, I am very familiar with Chase and the products they offer. There was no need to close this account and the reasoning provided by Chase was prima facie - false, misleading, and damaging. My expectations are that Chase immediately reinstate the line of credit or roll the credit availibilty into another account.
JPMorgan Chase customer in Virginia
Dec 28, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
JPMorgan Chase response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
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Phone | (212) 270-6000 | | |
Address | 270 Park Ave Fl 12 New York NY 10017 |
JPMorgan Chase | |
JPMorgan Chase |
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