Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options
Discover Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't get flexible payment options Maryland
I attempted to consolidate my loans with a single provider to better manage my payments. Without my permission or consent, Discover withheld the loan they service from the consolidation. I am now facing hardship making my payments, and Discover has offered no recourse. I am frustrated that when I tried to consolidate my loan away from them, they took advantage of a loophole to avoid accepting payment from my consolidation loan provider and continue to hold my loan despite my wish to consolidate. Discover did this without my consent, and now I have learned that in order to include this loan in the consolidation, I must reapply for a consolidation and begin the whole process again from the beginning! It 's doubly frustrating because I never chose to do business with Discover in the first place ; they bought my loan from -, and have now bullied me into keeping my loan with them. I do not understand how they were able to withhold my loan from the consolidation and think it is unfair that I have to pay the consequences of their predatory actions. I wish for Discover to cooperate with me in my attempt to consolidate my loan with -.
Discover customer in Maryland
Nov 10, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Discover response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
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Phone | 224-405-1747 | | |
Address | P.O. Box 30943 Sale Lake city UT 84130 |
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