Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments
Discover Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't temporarily postpone payments New York
I have a private student loan from Discover. I am currently a -, making - per year and can not repay my loans at this time. With all other loans, including all other federal and private loans I am able to apply for forebearance as long as I supply proof that I am still in training. Discover has told me that I " can only be in residency 4 years '' and that my ability to forebear my loan is over and I must pay up. I have explained to multiple discover reps who call to harrass me that I am still in traning. They continue to tell me that I can only be in training for 4 years and now I have to pay. I make $ -. I AM STILL IN TRAINING. It is crazy that Discover is telling me I have a job and I have a higher salary
Discover customer in New York
Nov 09, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Discover response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
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Phone | 224-405-1747 | | |
Address | P.O. Box 30943 Sale Lake city UT 84130 |
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