Carrington Mortgage Mortgage Complaint

FHA mortgage Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Carrington Mortgage Mortgage department,

FHA mortgage Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

In -/-/- our mortgage lien was discharged in bankruptcy. Our original lien holder was - - - - -/-/-. It was transferred to - - - just before filing and discharge in -/-/- -. Despite the lien being discharged, possession remained in our names. We initially wanted to try and keep the property. As such, we tried to refinance through - - - by submitting ALL required paperwork over 8 times during the next 2 years. In -/-/- we experienced a house fire, and our insurance company declared the home a complete loss and paid $130000.00 to rebuild. We signed the check over to - - -, who then instructed us on processing the claim and beginning the rebuild. We complied with everything they requested and despite many attempts and well documented communication with them, they would never issue any funds to begin the process. Due to the time it has taken to resolve the matter, we now want the property out of our names so that we can

In -/-/- - - - sold the mortgage to Carrington Mortgage Services. The insurance funds were wired to Carrington as well. I contacted Carrington and was instructed to submit a request to their Research Dept. so they could look into the matter. The only option to do this was by regular mail, according to Carrington. To help us through this process, we obtained legal counsel and authorized the law firm to represent us in resolving the issue. An authorization was sent to them by the Attorney as well as a request to either allow us to transfer the property to them by way of a Deed-in-Lieu of foreclosure, or to have the lien deemed satisfied and released by applying the insurance funds to the account. The initial contact with Carrington was made -/-/-. On -/-/- -/-/-, all documentation they requested was submitted to them by the attorney. Each time he contacts them, they initially deny he has authorization to represent me. After 3 attempts each time, they then have told him to call back next week to check the status of the deed-in-lieu application. They have had possession of the account since -/-/-, as well as the insurance funds. Neither Carrington nor - - - has handled our account appropriately, and Carrington is continuing to further delay resolution by not cooperating. We were not able to purchase a home this year due to the title of this property still being in our names. It has been 6 years since our bankruptcy.

Carrington Mortgage customer in
Oct 28, 2015

* Source: CFPB Complaint Database

Carrington Mortgage response to complaint:
Closed with explanation

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