Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments
Discover Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't temporarily postpone payments California
I suffered a shoulder injury the beginning of the year, which limited mywork. I am a - who is - and use my - for my job. I have private loans with Discover Financial andcontacted them via phone several times to see options. The responsewas that nothing could be done and I did n't qualify for deferral. Theythreated default and sending to collection. I have tried over the year topay what I could afford. Then my father passed in -/-/- and I havebeen out of work. They have put the loan in default and are not giving oroffering any options for me to repay loan. I am not in a position to borrowfrom family given the recent events with my father 's passing. I amattempting to get back to work immediately and begin paying what I canafford. I am at a loss as to what my options are to resolve the matter.
Discover customer in California
Oct 26, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Discover response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
File ComplaintWebsite | |
Phone | 224-405-1747 | | |
Address | P.O. Box 30943 Sale Lake city UT 84130 |
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