Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation Credit Decision / Underwriting Complaints

Review and analysis of over 2 complaints against Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation

Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation consumers have reported over 2 official complaints related to Credit decision / Underwriting. Out of the 2 consumer complaints against Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 50% of consumer complaints against Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Credit Decision / Underwriting Consumer Complaints

Citywide Home Loans, a Utah Corporation Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 16, 2015 - We were told in - that we had been qualified thru USDA to purchase a home for $160000.00. We purchased a new build home and uprooted our whole lives to move to -, NV and watch our new home being built. On - - we were finally doing our final walk-thru and would be in before -. During that walk thru our lender called the sales agent ( not our agent ), to tell her we did not qualify because we are on income leveling. This means that when social security kicks in, ( in 2 years ), my retirement benefits come down by exactly what my SS amount will be ( $- ). They told me that o...

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