HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Cont'D Attempts Collect Debt Not Owed Complaints

Review and analysis of over 145 complaints against HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc.

HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. consumers have reported over 145 official complaints related to Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed. Out of the 145 consumer complaints against HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc., 28% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 97% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Cont'D Attempts Collect Debt Not Owed Consumer Complaints

HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 12, 2017 - Agency is repeatedly reporting false information on consumers credit report. There has been no verification of contract or agreement between consumer and this creditor, therefore the collection agency should not be reporting. Verification of contract needs to be produced to verify obligation by consumer....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 12, 2017 - To the best of my knowledge I have no contractual obligation with this company. I do n't know where this company has come from. I sent a request for them to provide me documentation and proof of this account as its my right to do so. However they fail to provide me any information. They continually just sends me a statement. I contacted the credit bureaus and they have failed to respond and or provide proper documentation....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 11, 2017 - I have contacted ARS numerous times asking for signed proof this charge belongs to me. They have never sent me anything showing proof. This charge is not mine and I would like it removed at once from my credit report. They can not provide me with any original paper work, signatures or ID copies....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 6, 2017 - I have no knowledge of this debt. I attempt to request for contract or any legal documents showing proof. No documentation has been provided....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

March 30, 2017 - Never received any information or documents stating that i owe the debt.They did not contact me by phone at all. I checked my credit report and i was confused about this item that was reporting on my report. This is a violation of my rights, and i will take to them to court if i have to. I am all ready talking to a lawyer and if they dont reply we are going to move forward, because they have no proof that they tried to reach me by phone because they dont have my number. Because their is no way i owe a doctor bill because i have always had insurance when going to the Doctor so i know i never ha...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

March 23, 2017 - This debt was not mine, I had it removed from - credit reports while it was under the name of a different collections agency. Now, I am getting harassed by a new company called - regarding this previously deleted account. I feel very uneasy about this issue. I was yelled at over the phone, and was told that I am basically a bad person for not paying my " debt '' by the collector. I do not deserve to be treated this way, especially for a debt that I had been cleared of already....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

March 20, 2017 - This is a formal notification that the debt you are reporting is disputed and is not a refusal to pay. Please send me a validation of this debt as soon as possible. Under the FDCPA you must send valid proof that these monies are owed by me. DO NOT send a simple printout showing my name and a dollar amount. You are expected to forward the following : 1 ) Proof that your company has the right to collect the debt, such as a signed contract between collection agency and the original creditor, stating that this account has been purchased by your company, or a copy of the original invoice from the...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

March 16, 2017 - I do not owe any medical debt as my insurance pays it. This is inaccurate...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

March 10, 2017 - This company has not provided verification of this debt. I previously reported this account through Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and they remove the account from my credit report. This month they re-reported the same account. I also have a collection bill from another company - - - trying to collect the same debt. They are falsely trying to collect this debt and re-selling it. I do not owe this amount...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

March 6, 2017 - I received statement notices from a hospital that i received patient care from, with the attending Dr 's and Dr Assistant statement reading that I owed them. They already had my Medical insurance info on file, and corresponded with me to collect money for their services. Then they reported to a collection agency without filing the claim with my insurance first. I have been so overwhelmed by this type of derogatory medical mark on my credit information. I have been depressed over this issue for awhile, and did n't know that I was the one who was n't at fault for them inadvertently making the mi...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

February 24, 2017 - I received medical services that resulted in a hospital bill and physician bill. I was told by my insurance company at the time that I only owed the deductible and co-insurance, which I paid. - - - - Number : - Member ID Number : - - described my benefits and how much I owed for the services. They covered 90 % of the bill & 10 % was my responsibility. They told me that I owed my deductible and co-insurance payment which totaled $230.00. Please see the attached paperwork confirming that I paid what my insurance company said I owed. Furthermore, my insurance company clai...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

January 31, 2017 - I was in the hospital in - of 2015 I -, I was taken to - hospital in -, Calif and - to the - in -, - where there I was in a - for three weeks. I am a - patient and they have paid all of my bills and pre approved my stay. I received a bill from Healthcare Revenue Recovery group. Stating that I owe - and if I do not pay it in 30 days they are going to file a judgment against me. I have called them at first they were not going to give me the creditor information, I have called all - hospitals and physicians and all have said I have a - balance. I do n't know...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

January 12, 2017 - I have deragatory marks on my credit report that I am disputing because they are false. The amount of debt they are claiming I owe is $1100.00 I have paid and continued to pay the direct physicians office on these bills that have since been reported on my credit. I am NOT DELINQUENT. I have contacted them directly to get assistance in having this lifted off my credit report and I never am contacted back, and was hung up on when I explained the error....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

January 11, 2017 - I received a letter in the mail stating that I owe $2000.00 from a creditor named -. I am in the military so I have insurance. Furthermore, I have not been to Florida in 5 years but the debt is from - - 2016....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

January 10, 2017 - I was a victim of identity theft and noticed a collection from ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION I 've attempted to dispute multiple times however no response on their end. Not sure what else to do. Police department told me to contact the federal trade commision which I wrote a formal complaint against ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION in regards to this matter. The FTC also instructed me to complete a id theft affidavit through identity theft.gov. Attached is my document. Thank you...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

January 5, 2017 - Debtor ARS-Account Resolution Service : Receipt of written notification of the debt had a date of -/-/2015. I called, plus submitted written requests for validation of debt on - different occasion. These requests were not honor, due to either they were unable or unwilling to provide all necessary documents to support their claim. Due to their noncompliance of honoring my written request for sufficient supporting documentation, I could only assume that my records were correct and that this debt was already paid in full as my records indicated. I then proceed to mail and file a dispute ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

December 26, 2016 - ACCOUNT RESOLUTION SERVICES ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - and - -/-/2016 -, -, FL - - ATTENTION TO DISPUTE DEPARTMENT : Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting A...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 26, 2016 - I have no knowledge of said debt and I would like it removed as it is reporting negatively to the credit bureaus and causing catastrophic damage to my credit report and financial freedom....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 21, 2016 - I have asked Account Resolution Service to send me validation of these debts they continue to report to the - major credit bureaus. They have failed to send me anything that is contractual binding of me to pay this debt instead I got a letter on their letter head stating I 'm to pay this debt. How can a company, just say you owe something without any supporting signed documentation? I 'm writing to you for relief from Account Resolution contuining to report false information and exhortation....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 16, 2016 - I have no knowledge of this dept...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 16, 2016 - I have no knowledge of this debt...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

December 12, 2016 - ARS ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - - - - - - - -, - -, FL - PHONE : - ATTENTION TO DISPUTE DEPARTMENT : Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting Ac...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

November 22, 2016 - I have no recollection of this collection. ARS. Never signed a contract with this company. I have written them directly and received no response. Someone either from a data breach or theft of my purse has use my information to obtain all kinds of weird things. I 'm tired of trying to call when they just tell me I owe the debt and do n't care to help....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 5, 2016 - Account Resolution Services is claiming that i owe money to their collection agency. I have asked them dozens of times to verify that i owe this invoice but they can not produce an actual invoice or any form of proof that there is any invoices from the company that allegedly hired ARS to collect this money. I have also contacted that company as well and they claim that they do not have any record of my name in their system or any invoices ever due in my name. I have notified ARS of this several dozen times and also sent them a certified letter in regards to this matter, but ARS still refuses t...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 21, 2016 - I have submitted disputes through - they have not sent me a contract showing they lent me something or provided service to me and I agreed to do business with them, that it needs to be deleted. I have told them that any contract with you has to be between the accuser and you with both of your signatures. I have no knowledge of this company, have never contracted with them, they are strangers to any transaction with you and are not qualified to claim you owe them something under the Doctrine of Subrogation. I have disputed this with - and the other bureaus and the other - have deleted...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was discharged in bankruptcy

September 17, 2016 - I had Medical Insurance those medical bills on my account should have been removed or never put on my credit Report i have been trying for yrs to get them removed and they are still showing up on my Report plus i also did a Bankruptcy and they were all suppose to be on that Bankruptcy report.....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 31, 2016 - While living in - in early -, I received a collection notice for a hospital bill for - ER visits that was addressed to someone with a different spelling of name for my son. I called the collection agency and informed them that my son was not in the state of - for the first visit date and the debt did not belong to my son. I then called the hospital to inform them of the error and the debt did not belong to my son. My son, who was back in -, drove - miles to the hospital to provide his ID to prove he was not the person on the debt. I was told they would correct the issue, but ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 29, 2016 - During my recent credit check I have noticed a claim by a collection agency for $1700.00 for unknown services which dropped my credit score by - points. I sent a certified letter to this collection agency and the letter came back as undeliverable, and return to sender. The company in question is ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION or ACCOUNT RESOLUTION SERVICES - - - - - - -, FL -. Please find attached attachments regarding this correspondence....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 29, 2016 - I have been attempting to send Account Resolution Services ARS my identity theft affidavit and fix some of this fraud stuff but the address they published on my credit report is wrong. Please help.. this is killing me. I 've attached all supporting documents....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 26, 2016 - I have reported to the credit bureaus, ARS and this is my second complaint through Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. ARS refuses to validate the debt they say I owe. According to section 809. ( B ) of the Fair Debt Collection Practices act. They never send any copies of proof of this debt or how it is mine. ARS continues to send me a letter with amounts and dates with no judgement, contract or physical proof of this debt....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 22, 2016 - I received a debt letter dated - - 2016 for a hospital debt of $660.00. I asked for the details and was sent the details on - -, which had my name BUT no other details matched. SO I am totally perplexed as to - debt collection works. Was this debt collection notice sent to me just because the name matched? No one bothered to check anything else...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 5, 2016 - I have tried to send numerous letters disputing inaccurate information reporting to my credit reports, I got the letters back saying the address on file is incorrect. I sent them certified mail with receipt. I have copies of the letters, it 's to the collection accounts on my credit reports. The addresses and information is incorrect, I tried contacting the credit agencies but I have n't had any luck with them. I keep getting responses back telling me that the information on my credit file is correct when the information they send me is n't correct the addresses that is being reported is incor...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine


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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 29, 2016 - My health insurance did not pay the claim originally because of the way it was submitted. I contacted the insurance co. And they resubmitted it and paid the claim in - -. I contacted the collection agency recently to ask them to contact the credit bureaus to say the collection was an error. They told me their client sent them an email in - - saying to continue to try to collect. I spoke with a representative on -/-/- and they told me to fax the paid claim statement which I did. I just looked the account up online and it says I owe $20.00...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 25, 2016 - I have been monitoring my credit for over a year all of a sudden in -/-/- this company states I owe them $550.00 and the date of the first delinquency is -/-/2012 over four years ago. I have no idea what this is and why wait four years to say I owe this debt. I have not rcvd a debt validation or anything...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 13, 2016 - Keep getting calls. I called the number today because I know I do n't owe any money to anyone. I have had someone previously use my phone number and have had debt collection agencies calling my house looking for a person I do not know so I figured this - was starting again. I have police reports filed with the - department. I called the number. They will not give me any info. I have never received any bills in the mail so I know I owe no.money. I told them to stop calling me. They were very rude....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 12, 2016 - Account Resolution Services has listed an account on my TransUnion credit report stating I owe them money from -/-/2011. This debt does n't exist. I do n't owe the Dr. office any money they are " supposed '' to be collecting for. They are trying to collect on debt that does n't exist. Also the Statute of Limitations in South Carolina for open and written contracts is 3 years. This non existent debt is pass the statute of limitations. Plus it does n't exist in the first place. Account Resolution Services is in of violation the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and in violation of the F...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 29, 2016 - I sent letter to debt collector/creditor to verify debt I received no response and/or documents. I mailed letter on - - and have proof from post office verifying this. I have complied with all credit reporting laws and have given the appropriate time to respond and would like this matter resolved and deleted from all credit bureaus....

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 1, 2016 - Was on - assistance and any related charges were to be covered by them not me ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 28, 2016 - I have so many medical debt and I should n't have any my insurance should have covered all medical bills. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

May 24, 2016 - I received notification of a collection account on my - and - credit report, wiht ARS for $470.00 to which is Identity Theft and I have reported it to them repeatedly. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

May 23, 2016 - ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - -/-/- - - - - -, -, FL - Phone : ( - ) - : ( - ) - Dear - : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 19, 2016 - This agency is reporting an error on my credit file. I had medical coverage and met my deductible. This medical bill was paid by my insurance. I disputed this erroneous account with them on - -, 2015 and never received a response. I attempted to contact them again in -/-/- and, again, received no response. After doing some research I discovered that ARS is not bonded to collect in the state of Texas. The account was actually deleted from - but when I viewed my credit report recently and it has been reported on there again. Is that is even legal? ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 12, 2016 - 100 % this debt was satisfied with a hardship program offered by the medical institution. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

January 4, 2016 - In - 2015 i accessed my free credit report and noticed a Medical bill. I have disputed the bill every mmonth since then 4 times. - and - removed the innaccurate collection. - is still reporting that i have a collection. I have called Account Resolution Services multiple times and asked them to validate the debt and provide more information which they have not done to date. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 27, 2015 - i just see a debt on my credit report thru ars from - ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 30, 2015 - ARS ( Account Resolution Service ) continues to have listed and will not remove from the credit bureaus - debts that I do not believe are mine. I have sent them multiple request to verify these debts and all they are sending me are their form '' letters that say I owe a debt. I have repeatedly ask for a signed document '' and they have not/will not provide any such documentation. If I had any such paperwork, it would help prove the validity of the charge. I do not believe it is mine and I also suspect that it may have been filed incorrectly under medicare/medicaid for another hospital rel...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

October 24, 2015 - The Fair Credit Billing Act 15 U.S.C- NOTE 1601 SECTION 306 BILLING PRACTICES SECTION 161 CORRECTION OF BILLING ERRORS. Please be advised that under Federal Statutes. the Fair Credit Reporting Act, ( 15 U.S.C. 1681 et Seq ) andOhio administrative Code - - Program ) - Program sub section - FAQ - and -, Consumer Credit Statutes, and subtitle D - SEC. -. APPLICATION OF SECURITY PROVISIONS AND PENALTIES TO BUSINESS ASSOCIATES OF COVERED ENTITIES ; and SEC. - ( 1 ) BREACH OF SECURITY. Here is the list of account s belowThe bills was covered under progressive insurance ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

October 19, 2015 - I had a hospital visit two years ago for -. My insurance and my parents covered all the medical expenses. About a year ago, out of nowhere, a debt collection agency ( ARS Account Resolution Services ) started contacting me for a supposed debt of $640.00. They however, refused to provide me with any verified documents, itemized bills or any documentation from the hospital or doctors at all. They have been harassing me with phone calls and threatening to ruin my credit ( Which they have already done and I am in the process of fighting ). I have contacted my insurance and they have assured m...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

September 22, 2015 - Account Resolution Services, LLC ACC # -Phone : ( - ) -Fax : ( - ) - - - - -, FL -Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows. I also ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 18, 2015 - I was contacted by ARS about a medical debt that I told them that the veterans admin. was to pay. Second, they put the debt on my credit buerueu without even contacting me by letter or mail. After I called them they were very rude and hung up on me several times after I asked them why this was on my credit .buerua. I was not able to talk to a supervisor and it 's just so frustating to get the run around. I want this off my credit and I am not getting ny answers.. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

September 7, 2015 - The collection company said that the hospital had a contracted Dr. on duty the night my daughter was seen at the hospital. They said health insurance paid the hospital bill but not the separate Dr. bill. The hospital is no longer in business. I ca n't get a hold of them to fight this bill and I am desperately working to improve my credit. To add insult to injury I was n't even the person who took her to the hospital that night almost 5 or 6 yrs ago so I did n't even sign the paperwork. Their are approximately - separate accounts. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

September 6, 2015 - On - - 2015 there was a car accident theses bills were paid according to the - insurance companies collection agencies are harassing I was told this account was paid I trusted and believed this to be true and correct Plus this collection agency is calling my cell phone daily ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 20, 2015 - Collection agency can not provide information regarding original office where services were rendered. I have paid all debts in relation to the hospital visit on -/-/13 ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 18, 2015 - Account Resolution Services ( ARS ) has been calling my cell phone on and off for the past six months in an effort to collect a medical debt that is owed by the person who was previously assigned to the cell phone number that I now have ; that cell phone number was randomly assigned to me by - on - -, when I purchased my new cell phone from them. I do not know who that person is ( they are trying to contact ) nor his whereabouts. I have on numerous occasions asked ARS to stop calling my newly issued cell phone number, but they laugh at me and tell me to have a nice day. I have previou...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 18, 2015 - RE ; -On -/-/- I was admitted to the - in - - - - - - - I contacted my then insurance company - as I worked for - and I had 100 % -. I contacted them and they said the explanation of benefits was sent and all claims for that date have been paid especially the one for - at 100 %. They have now sold this debt to MULTIPLE COLLECTIONS AGENCIES. All of whom are threatening to enter onto my credit report. here are the agencies1. - letter dated -/-/- for date of service -/-/- for - ,2. ARS letter dated -/-/- for date of service -/-/-...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 18, 2015 - RE ; - - HOSPITALOn -/-/- I was admitted to the - - Hospital in - ( - - - ) NJ. I contacted my then insurance company - - - as I worked for t % he state and I had - % hospitalization. I contacted them and they said the explanation of benefits was sent and all claims for that date have been paid especially the one for - Hospital at - %. They have now sold this debt to MULTIPLE COLLECTIONS AGENCIES. All of whom are threatening to enter onto my credit report. here are the agencies1. - letter dated -/-/- for date of service - for - ,2. -...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 10, 2015 - they put my sons collections on my report he has the same name. ...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 7, 2015 - Hi there, I had a head injury and was seen by doctors at -. I then saw and - also at the - -. I explained that I am - and my insurance in - would pay the bill, which they did. For months now I have been contacted by HRRG ( using either of theses numbers - or - ) requesting payment or my insurance information, which I did not supply. I initially thought this was a legitimate agency so I contacted - hospital who informed me they have no idea who this agency is or how they know the dates of my emergency visit or my phone number. They also claimed the bill came from a ho...

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HCFS Health Care Financial Services, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 7, 2015 - In -, 2015 I entered a written dispute with ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION SERVICES reference account numbers -, -, - and - as contained on my consumer credit profile at - - -. Specifically alleged, ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION SERVICES was attempting to collect a debt for which I had no knowledge and alleged was potentially opened by an unknown third party. Moreover, said accounts were appearing twice on my consumer credit profile notwithstanding the allegation of a single debt owed. ARS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION SERVICES failed to investigate, verify, or validate said debt. Although I als...

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