Citibank Arbitration Complaints

Review and analysis of over 41 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 41 official complaints related to Arbitration. Out of the 41 consumer complaints against Citibank, 22% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 29% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 12% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Arbitration Consumer Complaints

Citibank Credit card arbitration

April 7, 2017 - I received a check in the mail from Macy 's for $25.00. Attached to the check is a letter stating that it was discovered a credit is due to my account. It states, " However, given the current status of this account we are providing a refund of $25.00. '' I am unsure what that means. Do they actually owe a larger amount but have decided the status of my account dictates a lower settlement? In the attached letter they provide a tracking number and contact phone number. I contacted the number listed on the letter to inquire. They instructed me to call Macy 's with questions. Macy 's claim...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

April 3, 2017 - On -/-/- I contacted -, T- - at approximately - which Texas is behind me I believe 2 hours or so. I spoke with - about an - - -. Order of process : -/-/- - agreed to $650.00 for - liter with - miles and $200.00 for shipping totaling $850.00 paid by Credit Card Citi - Should either be shipped out Friday the - or Monday the -/-/-. Currently waiting for email reply with receipt and bol or tracking number. By -/-/- I still had not received any confirmation email of any kind. No receipt, tracking or BOL. So I tried to call - and o...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

February 10, 2017 - I canceled a previously booked room in - - more then 45 days before arrival. The company - - - tried to say it was not refundable even thought they advertise full refund if cancelled more then 45 days in advance. Citibank originaly credited my account after I filled a dispute with them on the charges. Then - - - sent them paperwork telling lies. I sent Citibank supporting documents showing the lies and they contacted - - -. Since they never responded back Citibank closed the case with me not recieving any refund....

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

January 28, 2017 - I disputed a $240.00 double charge, and provided evidence of the mistake. After a month long investigation, Citi bank credited me $9.00. No explanation why, and when I call they told me they could not reveal how they got to that number. Not using them any more...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

December 7, 2016 - Citibank sent me 2 letters of new terms for 2 accounts ( accts - and - ) which have been closed for over 5 years. I did not receive letters for my 2 active accounts ( accts - and - ). Part of the new terms were that my accounts would be subject to arbitration. I found it unusual not receive letters for all of my accounts. I could reject arbitration by sending a letter stating my rejection. I sent a blanket letter for all Citibank accounts. I received 1 letter acknowledging my rejection for a " closed '' account ( - ). I also received a letter stating that Citibank was rejecting ...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

November 7, 2016 - i contacted the company related to moving some of my personal items from -, - to - -. Initially there were 10 medium boxes, i cabinet, 10 dining chairs, 1 dining table and 2 coffee tables. The quote given to me was for $1700.00 and i was to pay $600.00 which i did. A few more items were added and the estimate went up $2100.00 and the down payment increased to $850.00. I paid the differential in the downpayment of $250.00 for a total payment of $850.00. On the pick up date the driver refused to honor the contract and stated that it would cost nearly $5500.00 to move th...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

August 26, 2016 - My credit card company will not acknowledge payments I have made and will not refund my payment. I have sent proof of payment several times but they keep imposing late charges on debt I have paid and do not owe....

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

August 20, 2016 - Dear Sir or Madam, I was informed that my accounts were closed after fraud investigation. No representative was able to tell me why, only few vague suggestions. It shocked and frustrated me the way your fraud department handled this issue and just closed both of my accounts without explanations or without even contacting me for supporting documents regarding disputes that were previously resolved in my favor ( see letter attached ) I contacted fraud department and they advised me to contact the office of the President because they could n't resolve this issue and they were n't even sure why my...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

August 20, 2016 - Dear sir or madam, On - - I was advised that - of my CITI credit cards were closed. No representative from CITI bank was able to explain why. Only - ( out of - ) supervisor vaguely suggested that this could be due to an ongoing dispute and fraud department closed my account after an ongoing investigation. I sent this letter to CITI but no answer Dear Sir or Madam, I was informed that my accounts were closed after fraud investigation. No representative was able to tell me why, only few vague suggestions. It shocked and frustrated me the way your fraud department handled this issu...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

August 19, 2016 - I received a Costco-branded Citi-issued visa card as part of my membership, Costco having changed its affiliation from - to Citi-visa. Upon receipt of the documentation, I immediately sent Citi on - -, - a letter seeking to opt out of the mandatory requirement that all disputes be submitted to binding arbitration. When I received the actual credit card, I reached out to the Citi-Visa representatives to seek confirmation that my opt-out letter was received and acknowledged. I did this because of any earlier issue in - wherein Citi failed to acknowledge an opt-out of binding arbit...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

May 22, 2016 - 1. Citi bank miscalculate interest charge. 2. They did not call on any law regulation only to avoid audit. 3. I did try several times to solve this problem in direct contact. They respond very clever, general answer without any exact proof or support. They apply deferral interest to the current balance and after that calculate minimum payment. With this method Citi bank on very clever way count interest on interest. Deferral interest has to be recorded and calculate separate not to be add to current balance until the end of deferral period and after that add to current balance. ...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

March 16, 2016 - I am a victim of fraud I was told that - was a part of -. My computer was infected. The company, - -, fixed my computer and told me I needed to buy another version of -. They told me the service was good for a year. My computer is now dead. - is in the process of suing the company and told me to get my credit card company involved. Citicard has refused to help me in refunding the? - that was billed. ...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

February 25, 2016 - In - I was forced into - - I was - - -, - I was hit with a bill from SS that they had overpaid me $6600.00 I had 30 days to contest, now on payments. At the same time I was fighting to pay off my $11000.00 medical co-pays & out of network expenses. By - - I was unable to keep up I defaulted on several unsecured accounts all but - has now been resolved. I had called the account holders for relief, only - agreed to help. Citibank refused any discussion or relief, told me basically pay up or else. I am now facing a judgement with Citibank as the plaintiff. I o...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

December 10, 2015 - Citibank has refused my timely request to opt out of the company 's new arbitration provision. Citibank lied about the date of my request. Certified Mail tracking proves that it was not only postmarked, but even received, before the postmark deadline. I believe that Citibank is expecting customers not to notice or question the imposition of arbitration. By way of background, I have been a Citibank credit card customer for 21 years, have never missed a payment, and have always maintained a high credit score. My account is in good standing and no disputes are pending. Facts, in chronological...

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Citibank Credit card arbitration

July 21, 2015 - *I read the below today on -. Below is the copy and pasted article. This exact thing happened to me with the Credit Protector Benefits. They were grossly overstated, not honored, and changed around without my knowledge on several occasions with both my primary Citi Bank Credit Cards. This caused me to lose credit rating points and ultimately prematurely unable to pay back my obligations because of this. I complained in detail through other third party agencies in the past. How can I see assistance formally through your agency? I saved all the detailed - and Citi bank records in case this...

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