Round Point Mortgage Application, Originator, Mortgage Broker Complaints

Review and analysis of over 23 complaints against Round Point Mortgage

Round Point Mortgage consumers have reported over 23 official complaints related to Application, originator, mortgage broker. Out of the 23 consumer complaints against Round Point Mortgage, 13% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Round Point Mortgage responded to their complaint) and 91% were processed in a timely manner. 22% of consumer complaints against Round Point Mortgage resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Application, Originator, Mortgage Broker Consumer Complaints

Round Point Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

April 22, 2016 - The reality is that the intent of the Federal Loan Modification Program is to provide an alternative to foreclosure for millions of struggling homeowners. Furthermore, these homeowners are supposed to be able to secure a loan modification without the assistance of a competent advisor. Unfortunately, the lenders and servicers do not play by the rules. Consequently, average homeowners are taken advantage of and face the prospect of losing their homes by falling short of bank 's loan modification hoops. This is why there is a massive amount of litigation in the state and federal courts seeking r...

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Round Point Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

December 9, 2015 - We have a home loan with Roundpoint Mortgage. In - we sent $270000.00 with a request to recast our loan. We were eventually referred to a - - who told us to send our recorded Deed of Trust, we sent it several times. He stated in an email -/-/15 that he received all - pages, then on -/-/15 he stated in an email he did NOT get them, and we sent them again. On -/-/15 he stated in an email he got all pages. We sent several emails asking for a status update. On -/-/15 he stated in an email that the processor will have documents to us by end of -. We sent ema...

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