PayPal Holdings, Inc. Customer Service / Customer Relations Complaints

Review and analysis of over 2 complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc.

PayPal Holdings, Inc. consumers have reported over 2 official complaints related to Customer service / Customer relations. Out of the 2 consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc., 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how PayPal Holdings, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Customer Service / Customer Relations Consumer Complaints

PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card customer service / customer relations

November 29, 2016 - I purchased a product through Ebay some time in - of 2015. At the time from what I could tell I paid with Paypal. I called paypal a couple of weeks later to mention that I did not see the charge on my account. They said that they could not see it either, I called 5 times to confirm and they continued to tell me that there was no charge but I received the merchandise. It turns out the charge went to billmelater which is now called paypal credit. I was never told of this change. It kept getting notices from paypal that the bill was late but when I logged on the account was fine, no late charg...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card customer service / customer relations

July 2, 2016 - I have been using PayPal Credit for years to make purchases online from various retailers, and have been enjoying their payment terms immensely, but I am very distressed by the fact that, notwithstanding my impeccable payment history and nearly $4000.00 of unused available credit, this account is not reporting my credit behavior to the credit reporting agencies. PayPal Credit functions essentially identically to a credit card, and it runs a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply for it, so I do not understand why it is permitted to withhold valuable consumer information about its ...

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