Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.) False statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount
Credit Bureau of Napa Debt collection department,
Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.) False statements or representation Attempted to collect wrong amount California
- - - for - - - - - -, CA - -/-/- Re : Your Client : - Your Client Acct. No. : - Chase Acct. No. : - Disputed Amount : $37.00 VIA FACSIMILE -, CERTIFIED MAIl CERTIFIED MAIL CERTIFIED MAIl - and US Mail and US Mail Chase Receivables - - - CA - Dear Debt Collector, I am writing in response to your dated -/-/- ( copy enclosed ) because I do not believe that I owe what you say I owe and that it is my responsibility to pay. This is the first I 've heard from you, therefore, in accordance with Section 809, The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I respectfully request that you provide me, in writing, with the following : What the money you say I owe is for ; Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe, please provide a copy of all itemized procedures performed and supplies used ; Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe ; Provide me with authority or section of the contract between - your
Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable Identify the original creditor address Show me that you are licensed in my state, and provide me with your license numbers ; I also demand that you immediately send a copy of this dispute letter to the company that you say I owe money to so they are aware of my dispute with this debt and the reason I have not paid them because I have not received the Medical Records I asked for. Please hav your creditor - proff of delivery of said Medical Records. I further demand that, if you have reported me to a credit-reporting agency, you inform them that I have placed the debt in dispute and provide me with proof that you have done so. Finally, stop contacting me about this or any other matter, except via mail, email and then only to advise me that your debt collection efforts are being terminated or that you or the creditor are taking specific actions such as pursuing court actions. Thank you, - - for - - Date : -/-/- Reference USPS Certified Mail : The following is in response to your -/-/- request for delivery information on your Certified Mail/RRE item number -. The delivery record shows that this item was delivered on -/-/- at - in -, CA -. The scanned image of the recipient information is provided below. Signature of Recipient : Address of Recipient : Thank you for selecting the Postal Service for your mailing needs. If you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office or postal representative. Sincerely, United States Postal Service
Credit Bureau of Napa customer in California
Mar 04, 2017
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Credit Bureau of Napa response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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