Payday loan Can't stop charges to bank account can't stop charges to bank account
LDF Holdings, LLC Payday loan department,
Payday loan Can't stop charges to bank account Can't stop charges to bank account Oklahoma
I took out payday loans when my husband was n't working ( a 15 month period ) so that we would not have to pay car payments, housing, or utilities late. Since then the interest has eaten us alive where we ca n't pay them off. We 've had to pay them off and renew multiple times and now I have found out they are n't even licensed in Oklahoma. They withdraw the funds from Oklahoma Employees Credit Union and I am having to close my account. I was told to file a complaint since they are n't licensed to do business in Oklahoma. Please advise. Thank you.
LDF Holdings, LLC customer in Oklahoma
Oct 11, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
LDF Holdings, LLC response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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