Home equity loan or line of credit Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Wells Fargo & Company Mortgage department,
Home equity loan or line of credit Loan servicing, payments, escrow account Maryland
PROBLEM 1 : From -/-/- Wells Fargo ( WF ) failed to apply timely & accurate payments ( PYMTs ), failed to maintain accurate account ( ACCT ) statements & lied about it ; -/-/-- Deposited bank-check $14000.00 at WF branch for Equity LOC loan PYMT. Collection Dept. kept calling. Could n't stop them ; -/-/- Sent letter to WF Chairman & CEO - - to help correct PYMT record. -/-/- WF Executive Office said PMYT was NOW recorded right. [ LIE! ] ; Later asked for Verification of Debt & got my PYMT Transaction Summary ( PTS ) showing PYMTs of $12000.00 & $13000.00. Asked WF to explain & - WF said : $ - " This PYMT was returned to your bank as insufficient funds, therefore was reversed out of the ACCT. '' [ LIE! ] ; $ - " This PYMT was also returned to your bank as insufficient funds, therefore was reversed out of the ACCT. Later this PYMT was made again & cleared your bank. It was applied to your ACCT effective - -, -. '' [ LIE! ] ; - Asked WF for PROOF the statements were true ; - WF responded, 'You originally
further research. ' [ Is this a LIE? ] ; Asked - - for copies of checks- $12000.00, $13000.00, $14000.00. Bank sent proof checks for $12000.00 & $13000.00 NEVER E-ISTED. Only $14000.00 existed & was both written/cashed on - ; - - WAS HORRIFIED with WF 's explanation of non-existing PYMTs & that my $14000.00 PYMT was not recorded & that PTS showed multiple entries for dates & PYMTs that do not reflect reality from - to - - ; - Sent WF law firm ( - ) & WF a letter w/'Proof ' from - - on what 'actually ' transpired & asked for response. [ See docs ] ; WF law firm ( - ) & WF ignored my letter so file stays corrupted since - ; PROBLEM 2 : WF told MISLEADING INFO to deny my MANY Loan Modification ( LM ) requests ; WF inflates my PYMT amt. for ( property tax + insurance + loan PYMT to be & lt ; 31 % of monthly income ) so I never meet ( or come close to meeting ) the criteria for a LM ; o WF uses highest # s possible : For property taxes, WF uses 'Full ' -. taxed vs 'Actual ' amt. paid ( w/ deductions ) ; For 'monthly loan PYMT ', amt. based on : Original monthly loan PYMT amt. before my hardship vs a WF optional lower amt. to reflect my hardship ; 'Full ' loan amt. ( - ) vs a WF optional reduction in loan total amt ; WF never offered option to forgive late PYMTs & fees ; PROBLEM 3 : WF purposefully delayed, denied settlement offers & inflated my home value-all to force me into foreclosure ; Denied a LM in -. WF said '1 option = a settlement offer ' ; o Offered - ( ATTACHMENT - ). For house disrepair we offered photos or on-site visit. WF refused both ( until 1 year later ) ; o After our offer, WF told lawyer WF changed its process to prevent this loophole again ; o WF said to expect a timely response w/in 14 days - WF took 194 days ; In - WF asked for - & lawyer told WF in - none existed because I did n't make enough money ; In - - - for 'Proof of Funds ' so sent - 'Pre-Approval for a Reverse Mortgage ( RM ) ' ( ATTACHMENT - ). On - WF told lawyer 'proof of funds ' was 'sufficient ' ; o WF denied offer ( - ) w/o due diligence on inside repairs ; HUGE HARMFUL IMPACT = Denial meant new RM eligibility criteria such that $50000.00 of my money will be held in escrow for years! WF cost me $50000.00! WF overstates home value w/multiple 'comp ' appraisals vs one in-house appraisal ( - ) -WF wo n't share it.
Wells Fargo & Company customer in Maryland
Oct 06, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
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