LDF Holdings, LLC Consumer Loan Complaint

Installment loan Problems when you are unable to pay

LDF Holdings, LLC Consumer Loan department,

Installment loan Problems when you are unable to pay Massachusetts

I had a few lenders you had helped me get off my back harrassing me after I found out its illegal to give a payday loan onlime in massachusettes. Esp at the intrest rates given me at 817 apr! I have - final lender I need to report abd ask for a charge off. This is the last one. I had someone hack into my bank acct before - and I had to close the acct and open another at td bank. So lendgreen at this point is unable to take payments but I can not afford the apr at this rate and being its illegal to loan online in mass they should of never advertised in my email in the firat place. This was the last of a string of bad decisions. If this will go away will be a releif for me and let me pay my other obligations with creditors.

LDF Holdings, LLC customer in Massachusetts
Jan 12, 2016

* Source: CFPB Complaint Database

LDF Holdings, LLC response to complaint:
Closed with explanation

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3LDF Holdings, LLCComplaint HistoryComplaints5/201510/20151/20165/20166/201600.250.50.7511.25Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3LDF Holdings, LLCProblems when you are unable to pay60.0%40.0%Closed with explanationClosed with non-monetary reliefSource: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3National AverageProblems when you are unable to pay0.7%9.6%1.3%0.2%1.8%4.3%80.7%1.3%Untimely responseClosed with non-monetary reliefClosed without reliefClosed with reliefClosedClosed with monetary reliefClosed with explanationIn progressSource: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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