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Expert Global Solutions, Inc. Payday loan department,
Payday loan Can't contact lender Can't contact lender Oregon
I keep getting calls at all hours, - etc. -. and I finally after - calls got the heavy accented person to tell me the company calling me and my friends, relatives, is NCO from -, florida. I told him I had turned him into the oregon state attorney generals office and the CFPB also, and he told me the case is closed, and now I will be served papers and sued from them and a company called - - - whoever that is. He said it was a payday loan company, but I never took a loan with them. I asked why I hadnt recieved a bill and he couldnt answer that. The first call they wanted money over the phone, this call once I told him what I did, he said I would be served papers. On the internet there are lots of complaints about these people. They need to be stopped. I want to sue them if you will take my case. Please help me to make the phone calls stop. I have also filed a complaint with the state attorney generals office. Please feel free to contact me at - during the day. I am - and cant take much more of this harrassment. Thank You.
Expert Global Solutions, Inc. customer in Oregon
Nov 06, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Expert Global Solutions, Inc. response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
File ComplaintWebsite | |
Phone | (800) 252-3996 | | |
Address | 5085 West Park Boulevard, Suite 300 Plano TX 75093 |
Expert Global Solutions, Inc. | |
Expert Global Solutions, Inc. |
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