PayPal Holdings, Inc. Identity Theft / Fraud / Embezzlement Complaints

Review and analysis of over 7 complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc.

PayPal Holdings, Inc. consumers have reported over 7 official complaints related to Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement. Out of the 7 consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc., 43% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how PayPal Holdings, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 29% of consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 29% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Identity Theft / Fraud / Embezzlement Consumer Complaints

PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

June 10, 2016 - A Paypal credit account was opened in my name and charged $220.00. When I informed Paypal, they asked me to send an affidavit. After sending the affidavit, they rejected my claim- and I am still being held liable. I called, and they rejected my claim again. I did not open this account, and I should not be held liable for their poor fraud prevention systems....

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

May 3, 2016 - I had a Paypal account and an additional credit account that was originally called Bill Me Later, was added to my account. These accounts were eventually merged and just became a credit account on my Paypal account. After years of never using it, I received an email from Paypal that a charge was made on my account. Within 24 hours and actually within the same business day, I contacted Paypal via email and phone to tell them that I did not make any charges and any charge made had to be fraudulent. 24 hours later they contacted me to basically tell me " to bad '' stating that I authorized it. I ...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

April 13, 2016 - There were - unauthorized transactions on my paypal Account, - of which was refunded and the remaining - paypal has refused to refund. They were not ebay purchases they were direct money sent on - - and - -. The sources seem to be - and - as - of them is named - - and another is - characters another is - - and the fourth which has already been refunded by the Scammer was - -. It appears to me that they sent out the first - smaller withdrawls of $100.00, $50.00, and $100.00 to see if they would go through. They did not, and the fourth ...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

March 29, 2016 - Scam Committed by PayPal I feel I was wrongly signed into PayPal 's Credit Service. This seems to be a delayed payment for 6 months I scammed into, when I could 've easily paid the entire $150.00 transaction on - -, -, paid through my debit card. That 's exactly what I thought, that I was paying through my debit card. Today, a male from PayPal collections called me, stating that I currently owe $180.00 for non-payment. He said they 've been sending me correspondence on this. I did finally find ONE email, stating that payment was due. However, I felt I did n't need to read ANY of t...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

March 16, 2016 - I have a hard inquiry from -/PPC on my credit file from -/-/2015. I never applied for credit from paypal but did have my bank account information stolen and money taken from my bank account. ...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

February 15, 2016 - On - - 2016 I received a letter from Pay Pal Credit thanking me for opening up a credit card ( I did not open up this credit card ) There is an email address on the letter --, it states that this person can go on line and review this account. ( this is not my email address ) I contacted Pay Pal Credit informing them that I did not authorize this credit card and that the charges being made on this card are not from myself. I have contacted and reported this to Identity Theft as well as obtaining a police report. ...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

January 13, 2016 - I have checked my credit report from - and I have noticed an unauthorized hard inquiry. I have no knowledement of this inquiry on - -, 2015. I would like it off my credit report due to I personally not applying this inquiry. ...

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