PayPal Holdings, Inc. Closing/Cancelling Account Complaints

Review and analysis of over 3 complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc.

PayPal Holdings, Inc. consumers have reported over 3 official complaints related to Closing/Cancelling account. Out of the 3 consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc., 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how PayPal Holdings, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 33% of consumer complaints against PayPal Holdings, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 33% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Closing/Cancelling Account Consumer Complaints

PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card closing/cancelling account

April 16, 2016 - I get a letter in the mail saying I owed $19.00 for an account on Pay Pal Credit that I never opened or used. I have a regular Pay Pal account, so someone tied both of these together without my permission. When I try to pay them with my credit union checking account., they refuse payment, and want to to send a check to them. No, I do not send checks, due to the fact many people get defrauded and their checking accounts hacked, by sending them. I tried paying with a credit card, and they refused ( because I just want it to go away ). So, they have said they are going to take legal action agai...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card closing/cancelling account

March 2, 2016 - Paypal continued to harass me about opening a credit account, so finally I applied and opened an account in - 2015. Less than 2 months later I received a notice that my account was closed because Paypal had not updated my new address. I received the notice at my new address. I contacted them and was informed that they would reinstate my account but that I was forced to allow them to run a " soft credit '' report in order for them afterwards to reinstate my account, so I hesitated, but then agreed. We had an agreement. I also filed a seller complaint against a merchant who misrepresented an ...

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PayPal Holdings, Inc. Credit card closing/cancelling account

February 12, 2016 - I stopped using Paypal a while ago. I tried to shut down the account. I had not used the account for almost a year. Now, I am receiving notices that are inappropriate transactions on my paypal account. This has happened three times. I have been contacted by customer service and have asked them to close the account. I tried to use Paypal as a nonmember and they harvested my address data without permission and attached it to my old account. I badly want my account shut down. There is no current credit card attached to this account. I think Paypal might harvest my credit card data without permiss...

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