Incorrect information on credit report information is not mine
ProCollect, Inc Credit reporting department,
Incorrect information on credit report Information is not mine Louisiana
My name is - - and I have been a identity theft and fraud victim in -/-/- '' and a company called PRO COOLECT HAS ACCURATE INFORMATION from me and a apartment complex that someone else has you my identity and rented a apartment and a broke a lease and utilities in my name at a apartment complex called " - - - " in -, - a state I have never lived in and I have documentation and the apartment complex " Manager with 100 % proof that it was not me. They refusing to re investigate my case and sending this information to the credit bureaus and they are calling and threatening me. I have open a dispute on - - from the previous one that was closed in - due to the manager - E-T - not properly handling my case.
Also I sent the apartment complex my ID and information that I never lost lost due to a breach with ( - IN -/-/- '' my insurance carrier. That the person that came got the APARTMENT was two different Identifcations used told by the property manager " - " and sent them ( PRO COLLECT A LETTER on - - to them to cancel everything and they have not responded or giving me information now and making it hard for me and all - credit bureaus to remove this all my file. This is a very stressful, heartbreaking, and long process since last year when I found out, and I do not have a lawyer or help and this will hinder me From future jobs ( I am college graduate working in the - for seven years ), from renting a apartment, buying a home, and I need assistant. And they are rude, disrespectful, they did not send me information, and they told me there 's was not enough information giving me why I was held responsible. There were - - used for this apartment complex, and it was mentioned to me after the file was pulled and the apartment complex made me fully aware of this and PRO COLLECT HAS PROPER information. My number is - - - I went all the way to - to file a report, I did my affidavit, and filed with the FBI.
ProCollect, Inc customer in Louisiana
Jun 01, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
ProCollect, Inc response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
Submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today
File ComplaintWebsite | |
Phone | 800.839.8186 | | |
Address | 12170 N. Abrams Rd., Suite 100 Dallas TX 75243 |
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