Payday loan Can't stop charges to bank account can't stop charges to bank account
Haase and Long, Inc. Payday loan department,
Payday loan Can't stop charges to bank account Can't stop charges to bank account Texas
Hello. I have a real issue with a company that is charging my bank account for what I assume to be a payday loan. My problems are these : 1 ) The name of the company has changed at least once, if not twice, since this has been going on. 2 ) I suspect this has something to do with an earlier complaint through the BCFP about another company who was fraudulently attempting to service the same loan. 3 ) relating to 2 ), it appears as if this company has colluded with other companies to collect on a single debt. 4 ) When I attempt to reach this company, by way of a - search, the outgoing message does not include the name of the company as it appears in my banking statement. So, I am not sure what the terms of the loan are. I am not sure when this is going to end. I have no idea how the monthly amount withdrawn was arrived at. I need immediate correspondence with this company to explain what is going on.
Haase and Long, Inc. customer in Texas
Jan 11, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Haase and Long, Inc. response to complaint:
Untimely response
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