Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. Problems When You Are Unable To Pay Complaints

Review and analysis of over 6 complaints against Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc.

Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. consumers have reported over 6 official complaints related to Problems when you are unable to pay. Out of the 6 consumer complaints against Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc., 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 83% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Problems When You Are Unable To Pay Consumer Complaints

Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

October 5, 2016 - Dear Consumer Financial Protection, I went to a - office in - ... my -. The - office applied for a loan out of - - ... for $1000.00, to - and make -. I agreed in good faith to the loan ... I had no other way of repairing my -. I am living with a fixed income and I did not have insurance. I had my -. During the -, I thought they were going to make me have a - - ... I was upside down in the chair as the - -. -. -. I contacted - and explained why I could not pay ... -. - The collection agency is bringing me to court on -/-...

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Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

February 24, 2016 - The company Atlantic Credit & Finance keeps calling me at work even tough I have told them to stop calling me at my job. Since I told them not to call me at work, they have called me close to ten times after. What are my rights? Thank you, - - -- ...

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Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc. Consumer loan problems when you are unable to pay

November 19, 2015 - I had a - credit line and have not been able to pay full amount due each month. I have been paying $25.00 a month when I can. I looks as if the credit line was sold to Atlantic Credit & Finance , Inc . They are calling my home and cell phone hourly. They call my personal work phone and now they are calling the general number of where I work and harassing other employees after I have left work and insisting that they put me on the phone and they know that I am there, when I am not. This is causing me a lot of trouble at work and risking my job, which if I lose it and will not be able to pa...

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