Stop Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Phone Harassment

Resources for resolving common issues with Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP products and services

You can reduce the number of unwanted calls from Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP you get by signing up for the National Do Not Call Registry. It's free. Visit to register your number.

How do I register?

Add your phone number for free by visiting, or calling 1-888-382-1222 from the phone you want to register (TTY: 1-866-290-4236)

If you register online, you will receive a confirmation email from You must click on the link in the email within 72 hours to complete your registration.

How long does it take?

Your phone number should show up on the Registry the next day. Most sales calls will stop once your number has been on the Registry for 31 days. You can verify that your number is on the Registry by visiting or calling 1-888-382-1222.

Reporting Illegal Calls

Where can I file a complaint about an illegal sales call or a robocall?

To file a complaint, visit, or call 1-888-382-1222 (TTY: 1-866-290-4236).

Will I hear back from the FTC regarding my complaint?

Due to the volume of complaints, the FTC cannot respond directly to every complaint. The FTC and other law enforcement agencies analyze complaints to spot trends and to identify and take action against the people responsible for these illegal calls.

What's a Robocall?

If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall. You've probably gotten robocalls about candidates running for office, or charities asking for donations. These robocalls are allowed. But if the recording is a sales message and you haven't given your written permission to get calls from the company on the other end, the call is illegal. In addition to the phone calls being illegal, their pitch most likely is a scam.

What Should You Do If You Get a Robocall?

If you get a robocall:

  • Hang up the phone. Don't press 1 to speak to a live operator and don't press any other number to get your number off the list. If you respond by pressing any number, it will probably just lead to more robocalls.
  • Consider contacting your phone provider and asking them to block the number, and whether they charge for that service. Remember that telemarketers change Caller ID information easily and often, so it might not be worth paying a fee to block a number that will change.
  • Report your experience to the FTC online at or by calling 1-888-382-1222.

New Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Consumer Complaints

Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection attempts to collect debt not owed debt was result of identity theft

September 3, 2019 - I am a victim of identity theft and this debt does not belong to me. Please see the identity theft report and legal affidavit attached....

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

November 30, 2016 - Possible multiple violations of US Code Title 15 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The Company, to this day I do not fully know them as a debt collection company because they ahve never disclosed that they are a debt collection company, Overton, as per -. I was called today, -/-/2016 from a company the individual stated my first name and made a statement that I owed - money on a debt. They them immediately asked to verify my identity to continue the call, I stated that under the fair debt collection practices act if they were not 100 % sure that I was the debtor ( Alledged ) that the...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 19, 2016 - I have been making monthly payments on medical bill then received additional collection bill for same company even tho I disputed the additional amounts as being incorrect. Now collection agency is filing a judgement....

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

September 10, 2016 - I received a notification from my credit monitoring company that I had a collection account. I immediately reached out to the creditor/collection company. I asked for the information. The collection company verified that they had sent the notice to an address which I moved from over two years ago. Given the passage of time, my mail was no longer forwarded. I have updated my address with the credit reporting bureaus as well as the -. I asked for the information to be removed from my credit report, until I received the account information and the opportunity to dispute or pay within 30 days. ...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection communication tactics threatened to take legal action

August 24, 2016 - Several of the categories applied. They refused to return phone calls or allow me to speak with attorneys. They called after hours. Receptionist was abusive and hung up on me. They threatened to sue me and did on incorrect amount ofdebt. They refused to negotiaye reficed amount or payment plan. They repeated phone calls after hours. They did not respond to written requests...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 11, 2016 - I am writing regarding a debt collection action wrongly pursued against me by - and the law firm of Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan. The negative information they reported to the credit bureaus has caused me to not qualify for credit I applied for, and to pay higher rates for loans and insurance. I want all traces of this collection action removed from all of my credit reports, and my good credit to be restored. I also want all documentation showing this collection action was taken in error forwarded to me. From - - through - -, my family used - - - for all of our...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

January 24, 2016 - I have - paid collections remaining on my credit report this is hurting me from getting a home loan I sent written request to all credit agencies to have them remove. They show paid but open. ...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 14, 2015 - Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP have been attempting to collect a medical debt even after the debt which was the result of an error in insurance billing was straightened out. At no point have we owed - - - any money. The co-pay was paid at the time of the visit. The debt '' was the result a billing error on the hospitals part. The issue has been resolved. The hospital assured us they contacted Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP but they continue to send us threatening letters stating our credit will be effected if we do n't pay a debt we do not owe. We have been very c...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

July 30, 2015 - I am have been charged with an owed amount on my credit report from a medical office, but my health insurance had paid this balance. I should not have this balance or report on my credit report. They say it would clear in 7 years, but it should not be there at all. ...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection communication tactics threatened to take legal action

June 23, 2015 - I have a high deductible insurance plan just like a lot of other people do. In - of this year I was sent to - hospital for a study ordered by my doctor. when I received the invoice it was over - in which a was making regular monthly payments as I could. when I received the last invoice it was at a - balance in which they stated they wanted it paid in full. I sent them a payment in which I could afford that week as I have been since - they cashed the check and sent the balance of - to collections. Now this is not the - time I have had problems with - hospital billing, th...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

June 3, 2015 - I have a - debt with a hospital in NY state. Due to several other - debts incurred at the same date and time, I was unable to enter into a payment agreement at an amount the hospital requested. They accepted lower monthly payments but stated since they could not create a payment plan for that amount they sent the debt to a collector. Is that allowed even though I have been making payments on the debt to the hospital? Also, now that I am able to pay and would like to start a formal payment plan, the hospital staff said they could not since they had sent the debt to a collector, even thoug...

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Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan, LLP Consumer loan problems when you are unable to pay

March 30, 2015 - I called Overton Russell Doerr and Donovan because I received a letter that a judgment would be placed against me. when I called there company I was greeted with rudeness and utter disrespect. I was first told they would not speak to me with out a phone number, when I gave them my phone number they said it was unacceptable and they needed another, I tried to explain it was my only cell the rep refused to listen and kept claiming i was lying and it does n't seem like a real number so i asked to speak with a manager. When the manager came to the line she said the same that the number i provided ...

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