Citibank Other Special Purpose Card Complaints

Review and analysis of over 24 Other Special Purpose Card complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 24 official complaints related to Other special purpose card. Out of the 24 consumer complaints against Citibank, 17% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 29% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Special Purpose Card Consumer Complaints

Citibank Prepaid card unauthorized transactions/trans. issues

February 18, 2017 - I had purchased a set of 4 Good Year tires for my car from - dealership in - WI. At the time - or - was offering a $100.00 rebate for the purchase of a set of tires. Good Year was also offering an $20.00 rebate for the particular tire I purchased. The same rebate would have been $40.00 if I had used a Good Year credit card to pay for the tires. - - - - - purchased a prepaid credit card from Citi to put this $100.00 rebate on. Good Year had also purchased a Citi prepaid card for $20.00. After receiving the cards I had misplaced them and thought they were los...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

February 18, 2017 - I had purchased a set of - Good Year tires for my car from - - dealership in - WI. At the time - or - - was offering a $100.00 rebate for the purchase of a set of tires. Good Year was also offering an $80.00 rebate for the particular tire I purchased. The same rebate would have been $160.00 if I had used my Good Year credit card to pay for the tires. - - - - - purchased a prepaid credit card from Citi to put this $100.00 rebate on. Good Year had also purchased a Citi prepaid card for $80.00. After receiving the cards I had misplaced them and though...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

January 6, 2017 - I purchased a set of tires at Goodyear and selected the tires because of the advertised rebate of $140.00. The rebate came in the form of a prepaid VISA debit card issued by citibank. However, the card expired 6 months after it was received, and citibank says that the balance on the card has been forfeited. I called the customer service number at - and was told that nothing could be done. There was no prominent disclosure of the fact that the entire rebate would be forfeit if the card was not used by the expiration date. That was $140.00 in rebates that is now gone. Furthermore, the d...

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Citibank Prepaid card fraud or scam

September 8, 2016 - I had been a customer of - for about 20 years. I cancelled my service in - 2016. At that time - notified me that I had a remaining credit of $26.00, saying they would refund me that amount of money that I had overpaid for my service. Instead, - mailed me a Citi Prepaid Services VISA prepaid debit card that they say has a balance of $26.00 on it. Citi Prepaid Services then puts limitations on my use of that card, saying that it could not be used for a charge more than $26.00, it could not be used in an ATM machine, that I must go online or phone to " register '' my debit car...

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Citibank Prepaid card fraud or scam

August 3, 2016 - I was issued a promotional $50.00 prepaid card from Citi Bank. It was not clear to me that on the " good through '' date on the card the funds would " disappear. '' The card clearly says DEBIT on it, and I thought it would be treated like my bank debit card. My understanding is that I would have to obtain a new card. I spoke with - different people at CitiBank Prepaid Card Services. They all had the same response, " Sorry ca n't do anything about it. '' They said I could n't speak with any further supervisors to explain my issue. The last person I spoke with was - ( employee # - ). ...

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Citibank Prepaid card advertising, marketing or disclosures

July 22, 2016 - I was issued a promotional prepaid card from Citi Bank. It was not clear to me that on the " good through '' date on the card the funds would " disappear. '' My understanding is that I would have to obtain a new card....

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

July 6, 2016 - I purchased - appliance and I submitted rebate forms to get $200.00. I received citi - debit card. The card expired and I contacted the customer service and they told me they can not do anything about it. Prepaid debit of $200.00 disappeared! Can they do that?...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

July 3, 2016 - I received - citibank ( ) gift cards for my - tax return. The citi website is nearly impossible to navigate with circular links that return you to the home screen. I had to create - accounts to access the - cards I received, meaning that to check the balance on both cards I had to logout, clear my cache, and log in again ( or use - different browsers ). The system froze while I attempted to access, again preventing me from accessing my funds. Finally, there is no way to see your entire balance so while I know I was charged a $3.00 maintenance fee -/-/2...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

May 11, 2016 - I have a Citi prepaid - card that was part of a promotional " rebate '' program from some auto parts I bought. It expired - 2016 and I lost the remaining - $30.00 on the card. I called to see if they would reissue, and the agent said they could do it once, with a new card that works for 6 more months. She said they would not reissue again. I told her that according to the CFPB site, prepaid card funds are good for 5 years. She replied " that was for gift cards only. '' I responded that the CFPB site says " prepaid debit cards '' are included. She said that the card was issued in a s...

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Citibank Prepaid card fraud or scam

February 21, 2016 - I switched from my - postpaid to prepaid. - reimbursed me for overpaid fees by sending me a Citibank prepaid card preloaded with these fees ( roughly $27.00 ). To access the funds I needed to " register '' the card on a website operated by Citibank. This was necessary to have the funds wired to my bank account as I did not want to use the debit card. However, the Citibank website - logs me out every time I either try to have the funds wired or being sent to me as a check. After having tried with different browsers I gave up and started using the card to pay for purchases in order to...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

February 17, 2016 - Received this visa debit prepaid card for $60.00 as part of a promotion from - -. The issuing bank is Citi. The card expired and according to your website we should request a replacement since the funds do n't expire for 5 years. Contacted Citi customer service at -. We were told sorry. First spoke with an agent named - and then a supervisor named -. Thanks in advance for your time and attention to this matter. ...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

January 18, 2016 - This is crazy, I received a prepaid debit card as a refund and then I ca n't pull anything up online, ca n't activate it online, there 's a sticker to call to activate it, I 'm sure it 's probably lost it 's value as all these cards do ... These cards are basically yet - more way to - consumers. I am certain they are offered to companies at a discount because they are certain people wo n't use them, wo n't jump through these hoops, and mysteriously, they get to keep money that is not theirs and call it 'fees ' is the bottom line. To save a step, the card number is - - - - ...

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Citibank Prepaid card advertising, marketing or disclosures

October 30, 2015 - In -/-/- I took an exchange offer line - and they sent me a Citi Bank prepaid card with $160.00, I save my card waiting buy something special when I was ready to make my purchase I noticed that the card had expired in -/-/-, so call - in -/-/-, I told them my situation, the operator told me we will re-send a new card in 15-20 days. 30 days past again called - to ask the status of my new card so they told me, they can not send a card for that type of card could not send again and them they connect me to the Department of Citi Bank Cards where they say the funds expired...

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Citibank Prepaid card managing, opening, or closing account

September 1, 2015 - A Citi bank debit card was issued in the amount of $66.00, from - due to a battery leak in - of our electronic devices. The card had an expiration date of - and was not used. We called to have the card reissued, but were told by Citi Bank they would not reissue the card, because it fell outside of 180 days of their reissue policies. We then explained that per the -/-/- Credit Card Act that all prepaid Visa and MasterCard 's have a 5 year protection via the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of -/-/- that was passed into federal law. -We asked f...

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