BankUnited Loan Servicing, Payments, Escrow Account Complaints

Review and analysis of over 51 complaints against BankUnited

BankUnited consumers have reported over 51 official complaints related to Loan servicing, payments, escrow account. Out of the 51 consumer complaints against BankUnited, 27% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how BankUnited responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 8% of consumer complaints against BankUnited resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 2% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Loan Servicing, Payments, Escrow Account Consumer Complaints

BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 21, 2017 - Hello, I had mortgage with Bank united and now when I call or see online account, it 's no longer there, there is no help at all, they said they sold my mortgage but there is nothing send to me, please help...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 3, 2016 - Refinanced home in -/-/- while being promised a - % received a negative amortization. Since payments were not affordable, ( rising from $590.00 to $1300.00 to $1600.00 to $3600.00 t0 $4400.00 and so on ; I was granted by the lender a modification at - % through their retention and modification department and further they said that if I added my children to the property, it would better protect me ; 8 month later they accelerated the mortgage because an unqualified banker did my modification. It was prepared by the bank on -/-/- and recorded in -/-/-. I hired Att...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 1, 2016 - I refinanced loan without understanding what kind of mortgage it was and the settlement company which rip off me is already out of business, they told me they will reduce my mortgage and convince me to get this loan, at that I was struggling with my mortgage so I refinanced the loan and it was in 2005 and mortgage company was bankunited. I got $370000.00 loan from the mortgage company and maturity date was - and now I am still with the company and still have loan of $360000.00 and maturity date is -, I am not understanding why I am paying so much interest for same house and why my pr...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 18, 2016 - 1. I believe the bank is knowingly sending out mortgage statements late. Last month it came on - - for Payment - - -. ( was told 3rd party does mailing ) 2. Is assessing late charges for bank error. 3. Is deliberately dismissing complaints by making it impossible to get assistance by phone through their Customer Care line. Must write for assistance. 4. Sending out form letters denying customer issues without looking into the situation. 5. Takes no responsibility for even the possibility of a bank mistake 6. Has a policy of " stonewalling '' the customer so they can not resolv...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 19, 2015 - I - - I got a mortgage with PMI from BankUnited, -. At that time I received the Federal Truth-in-lending disclosure and the PMI was set to $370.00 for the - - payments and to $67.00 for the next - payments, and no PMI thereafter. In - - the PMI increased to $410.00. BankUnited did n't send any notification. In - - I noticed a very small decrease - to $410.00 -, again without receiving any notification. Every year, in -, after receiving the escrow account statement, I inquired about these PMI changes calling the bank. I spoke with several represent...

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