MOHELA Non-Federal Student Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 81 Non-Federal Student Loan complaints against MOHELA

MOHELA consumers have reported over 81 official complaints related to Non-federal student loan. Out of the 81 consumer complaints against MOHELA, 21% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how MOHELA responded to their complaint) and 98% were processed in a timely manner. 4% of consumer complaints against MOHELA resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 2% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Non-Federal Student Loan Consumer Complaints

MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

February 27, 2017 - Hello. Our daughters Private student loans are being uncooperative as to extra fees, taking parents off as co-signers and ability to consolidate loans for better rate equals saving and lower, payments. We have asked repeatedly. They also call repeatedly harassing us at our home which is illegal. Lenders are - - and Mohela..these loans are from 2006 it 's time that this is paid off and matter closed. Our daughter needs her life back so do we. - - -...

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MOHELA Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

December 29, 2016 - I send my payment on time every month for 18 months and I have never received a statement or anything from them. I have no way of knowing if my payments are even being applied against my huge $50000.00 balance. When I call them they say they do n't know the balance or payment information and they will have to contact the credit bureau for my balance. What are they doing with my payments? Why ca n't I access my account online to view my payments and statement information. They have never sent me anything and know nothing when I call. This seems very fraudulent to me....

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MOHELA Student loan can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

December 7, 2016 - My loan is an - loan. I was just told for the first time today -/-/16 that there is a guarantor - that is keeping me from being able to do a cash modification because my income has been greatly reduced and I am currently on short term - and I 'm not sure when/if I will be released to go back to work. I was shocked of this news and very upset that I had never been told of the guarantor b/c I have tried to get lower payments in the past and was turned down. I do not want these to go into default I 've exhausted all avenues and talked with many reps from Mohela all of my loans tota...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

November 4, 2016 - I was made aware today that MOHELA has been calling family members for the past week looking for me. They were told repeatedly that I do not live there but still continued to harass him. I spoke with them today and they said I must have provided them with the number but this is false and they did not take the matter seriously....

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

October 20, 2016 - I happen to be monitoring my credit report and realized that Mohela has falsely reported a derogatory report to all the credit bureaus - for - loans - - and - I dispute this information and moreover, wish to file an official suit against them for damages to my credit report and for ruining my credit. I have been on a forbearance plan due to not being employed for over a year ( - actually ) trying to seek a job and unable to get - due to the issue I can not retrieve my degree from the university I attended because I can not retrieve my degree - which for the jobs I have applied r...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

October 14, 2016 - I consolidated a portion of a federal loan to a private loan for a better rate in -. The company I consolidated this loan to was - ( - - Bank ). My loan was then transferred to a management company called MOHELA - of -. There were many issues with - and a number of errors that occurred during the transfer to MOHELA. Two things have not been corrected. One - the transfer from - to MOHELA now shows my original balance with - to be double the amount I actually owed ( owed approximately $100000.00 ; now shows $200000.00 ) and they have not corrected this with multipl...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

September 8, 2016 - I refinanced a student loan and the amount paid to the old lender I used was more than the balance I owed. I called and ask about a refund and was told that I would receive a check. Two weeks later I called and no check had been issued but they promised that it would be made the following Monday and mailed to me. I asked why it took so long for them to issue a refund and could not get a response from the customer service person or the supervisor....

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MOHELA Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

August 11, 2016 - Mohela reported to the three credit bureaus in - 2016, but my - - rejected that payment as an error. This is the first 30 day credit mark that I have with them. It is not my fault that my bank rejected the payment because the money was there. I advised my bank that I need a letter showing proof they received my deposits but its not credited to the account. My mom is the cosigner on this account and I do not think I should be punished for what my bank did. This is affecting my credit and my mom 's credit as well. I have a good payment history with Mohela therefore I am willing to do au...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

August 10, 2016 - I was n't able to pay a private student loan I got over ten years ago in Missouri ( MOHELA ). Eventually, a judgment was taken out against me. I have finally graduated from college and would be able to pay a reasonable amount per month, but the exorbitant attorney 's fees and 10 % interest on the judgment are keeping me from basically ever being able to pay off this loan. Also, the attorney will not give me information about how to pay electronically, is not agreeing to the payment arrangement I proposed, and now is trying to make my father pay - he has even less money than I do....

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

August 3, 2016 - MOHELA continues to cancel my autopay ( 3 times now ), which increases my interest rate 0.25 %. They claim that my bank issues a stop notice after the autopay has been drafted. My bank has no record of these " notices '' claimed by MOHELA, and MOHELA has refused to provide proof of the claimed notices. Again I continue to pay from the same account on single payments with no issue after my autopay is cancelled, and the next month my autopay works after I re-signup for autopay which is then cancelled after payment....

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MOHELA Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

June 17, 2016 - My loan was in deferment/forebearance and MOHELA reported it as late for several months when I contacted them they said they were going to remove the incorrect information and it still remains ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

May 2, 2016 - MOHELA - Cash Loan : I am a cosigner. My daughter made a payment at 22 days past the due date on -/-/2016 via phone. I received a call at - Central time today from MOHELA attempting to collect this debt. They did acknowledge that the payment was made on - - and that they could " see the payment in their system ''. However, they could not " verify '' that the payment was made which resulted in the phone call. I asked that they log my concerns regarding this call as a complaint. Loan was for my Daughters education at - - University , - - MO. ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

April 2, 2016 - This is with regards to -/Mohela account # -. Last month I refinanced and consolidated - of my student loans into -. In doing so, - estimated the payoff $ amount, which ended up being $120.00 higher than what was needed to pay off the old/refinanced loans and caused the loan balance to turn negative by this amount. On -/-/2016 I sent a written request to -/Mohela through the message center on their website, asking them to promptly refund me the overpayment. They replied on -/-/2016 and said, " Thank you for contacting MOHELA. According to our records, you will...

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MOHELA Student loan getting a loan can't qualify for a loan

February 25, 2016 - Despite my previous mail correspondence, Mohela has failed to investigate and rectify errors contained on my credit report. Thereby you have violated the Federal Credit Reporting Act, due to which I have lodged complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and the California Attorney General 's office. I am allowing you 30 days to rectify the erroneous information ; your failure to do so will result in my filing suit against your institution. INCORRECT TRADELINES : 1. -/Mohela - Ac # - ... This item is inaccurate because the creditor nor - - - furnished proof that this debt wa...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

February 2, 2016 - My - loans are serviced by Mohela. When Mohela became the new servicing company in - - I immediately called customer service and asked what actions I needed to take to ensure that I could make payments toward the principal of the loans. They told me to write a letter and request that, " Pay Ahead Status '' be removed from my account. On - -, - I sent them a letter, and on - - Mohela acknowledged receipt of the letter. On - -, - I noticed that payments I intended to go towards principal were going towards interest. I called and the customer service representativ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

December 12, 2015 - Hello, I make regular payments to my student loan. The loan was originally made through -, but has since been bought by MOHELA. All payments I make to MOHELA, whether they are over the amount due or in advance of the due date, are applied to interest in their entirety. Not - is applied to the outstanding principal balance. I have attached a statement for reference. Thank You ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

October 7, 2015 - My loan was serviced by - - and transferred to Mohela in - 2015. My history of loan shows shocking info such as eight and five months period where my balance does not change despite a faithful monthly payments! - has been ignoring my requests. ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

September 28, 2015 - I am a victim of identity theft. I have disputed this account multiple times and requested verification of debt but this company refuses to respond with any information regarding this account. This account does not belong to me and I want it deleted immediately. ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

July 16, 2015 - -My college loans were transferred to Mohela three years ago. -I had a - and applied for - relief. -Through the - relief program ( - ) suspended any and all payments to be made to Mohela . -- advised they contacted Mohela of the suspension of payment. -Mohela kept trying to collect on the transferred student loan, to wit ; - dollars. -Mohela said - it were still collecting on the loan and were gon na ruin your credit. -They, Mohela reported a 90 late payment on my credit history-Now may credit history went from - to - because of this frivolous reporting by Mohela-Fiv...

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MOHELA Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 17, 2015 - Approximately - -, 2015, Mohela started robo-calling our home. My husband, -, answered and was told he had a student loan debt. We are - senior citizens and neither of us ever took out a loan to pay for school. The person representing Mohela would n't give him any information regarding the - '' they were looking for, but wanted my husband 's last - digits of his social security number and his date of birth, which he refused to tell them. The robo-calls continued, so I looked up Mohela 's website - - and - called the phone number listed there ( - )....

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

June 16, 2015 - Why wo n't you investigate Federal Student Loans? - has a policy in place of applying extra payments toward future payments, thereby collecting more interest and keeping borrowers in debt longer and longer. They have layers of obstacles making it difficult, if not impossible, to pay only the minimum amount each month and pay down principle with extra payments when you can. They threaten to increase your minimum if you ask to make principle reduction. Imagine if you wanted to pay an extra $300.00 on your mortgage, and the bank said they ca n't do that, and if you ask us again, we 'll rais...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

June 11, 2015 - I took out a student loan for my son, - -, back in 2003 for his college education. Since then, we have done our best to keep up with the payments and only owe about $500.00 total to -. However, if I am a DAY late they begin calling me - times a day, contacting my job, borderline harassment. I 'm currently in my mid - 's and can not endure the stress of this. I 'm not ever more than 15 days late and I 've considered getting an attorney involved because there has to be some laws being broken. This is n't an effective means of going after debt. My son worked for a collection agen...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

June 3, 2015 - I have been enrolled back at - - University in the -/-/-. Recently, i have been harassed by Mohela for the last month. I have faxed in paperwork providing them with everything they needed. And yet I am still getting phone calls for payments. Furthermore, Mohela is now reporting to the credit bureaus that I am late. At this point, - needs to get their act together to avoid me taking further action. I have been enrolled the entire time and my deferment should be valid with my planned graduation date being the -/-/-. ...

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MOHELA Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

March 28, 2015 - Mohela called me on -/-/15, I told the rep I was at work he then advised me it was an urgent matter. I was concerned so I asked my team lead to give me about - minutes because I had an urgent phone call. I then verified my information and he then informed me I was past due on my loan ( only - days ) but the payment was pending in their system because I always make my payment through their system. I had to tell that rep the payment was already made and that he should have looked at the payment screen before he asked me to make a payment. This incident has happened before when a paym...

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