Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments
Wells Fargo & Company Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't temporarily postpone payments Texas
Wells Fargo makes it complicated and inconvenient to defer student loans with forbearance if you go back to school. You have to call them for everything unlike federal loans where you can do it online to " maintain '' or " manage '' your account. Unlike federal loans, Wells Fargo is a tedious process which requires signatures from school officials, and such forbearance form does not even guarantee forbearance because you have to continue making payments until the forbearance is approved. In order to get a forbearance because I am going back to school, I have to print the form ( cost time and money ), then fill out the form and get the signature from the school ( cost time and money ), and then mail or fax it back ( cost time and money ) and continue payments until approval ( cost time and money ). This is how they are also maximizing fees and payments if borrowers do not make payments because they are in school waiting for an approval, and are not able to work full, part, or on a contractual time. Wells Fargo has not improved in servicing borrowers so that student loan borrowers can manage or maintain their accounts.
Wells Fargo & Company customer in Texas
Jan 15, 2017
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Wells Fargo & Company response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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