Integrated Recovery Services Payday Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 30 Payday Loan complaints against Integrated Recovery Services

Integrated Recovery Services consumers have reported over 30 official complaints related to Payday loan. Out of the 30 consumer complaints against Integrated Recovery Services, 7% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Integrated Recovery Services responded to their complaint) and 30% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Integrated Recovery Services resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Payday Loan Consumer Complaints

Integrated Recovery Services Payday loan received a loan i didn't apply for received a loan i didn't apply for

August 18, 2016 - This number - ext - Integrated Services say that I got a payday loan. They keep calling my work after i told them that it was n't. They said that I was going to jail he keeps calling me at work. I asked him for his mailing address and he would not give it to me. I am going to lose my job because they call every day....

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened arrest/jail if do not pay

May 13, 2016 - I received a call from Integrated Recovery Services about a pay day loan that they were trying to collect on. - - and - - both called me on my work phone and told me that if I did not pay I would be arrested this Friday, and this would be a felony. I tried to make a payment arrangement but they started to make fun of me and continued to say I would be arrested. I am filing a complaint and and willl also be contacting the Texas Attorney General in reference to this matter since it is a violation of State and Federal law. I am also requesting that this company no longer contact me be...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted employer after asked not to

December 15, 2015 - They are calling my employer sailing they are - telling my employer false statements ruining my name ...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted employer after asked not to

September 17, 2015 - They will not stop calling my job ; the office where I work and leaving threatening messages. I called them & told them I can not receive calls at work- he said he was not going to remove my work number from the record and they were going to come serve legal papers at my job. I advised that is against CA - - ; he laughed & said have your attorney call '' ...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

August 11, 2015 - for weeks, people claiming to work for Integrated Services have been calling me, my wife, my family, and my place of employment threatening to serve me papers at work and at home. I have repeatedly asked them to stop calling everyone and they are very unprofessional and rude. They have made my wife cry several times due to the harassment. They call from many different numbers and are not friendly. they also threaten to garnish my wages, sue me, and threaten that jail time will be considered. I have asked them to send me a post-dated bill to let me know that they are a real company collecting a...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted me after i asked not to

August 5, 2015 - Integrated Services, contacted me at my home and on my personal cell phone about a debt owed by a family member. After telling them to longer call me at these numbers and that I have no business with them, they continue to call. They are calling from - -. ...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action sued w/o proper notification of suit

July 27, 2015 - Integrated Services - at - - demanding payment through a debit card - only. When I attempted to give them my - - Pre Pay Card the refused to take it, and then only gave me 24 hours to call back with a new card number in which to collect the debt. I attempted to send them a money order through the mail to pay the debt and they refused to accept this payment arrangement as well. - then go belligerent with me if I did not call back in 24 hours with the card information. She also has left me threatening messages of contacting my employer with a wage verification as well. ...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

June 18, 2015 - I was contacted by phone by a man who said he was calling from a law office, and that they were collecting on a loan that I owed to -. He said I owed $600.00 on the loan, and with late fees over time, I now owed $1300.00. But then he said that he would work with me, and that if I paid $330.00, within 24 hours, then that would settle it. I did have a loan from a few years ago, and I did have as dispute with the lender, because they took more debits than they were authorized for, and so I did not pay them anything else, but had paid back much of the loan. I am not certain if the loan wa...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

June 16, 2015 - The company who is calling me on an old debt called and discussed the matter with my - year old daughter and my employer. They also advised me they are trying to have me fired. ...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

May 26, 2015 - This collection agency contacted me via phone on -/-/2015 at - pm and left a computer generated message claiming that I must contact them to avoid civil action. They contacted me again at - and I was n't able to answer the phone. I called the number back at - and spoke with a - - who was very rude to me and did not tell me what the call was about. When I asked him what the call was regarding and his contact information, he asked what are your plans to pay what you owe, you owe - ''. He never once disclose that he was attempting to collect a debt, nor did he validate th...

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Integrated Recovery Services Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

May 13, 2015 - - sold my info to a - party integreated recovery services out of new york. I tried giving them the money I owed but they put my credit card info through wrong. Now they are contacting my ex-husband and telling him that the sheriff will be coming to our door unless this is settled. In the initial contact they threatened me with having someone serve me papers at my work location and that I would have to pay $2000.00 in attorneys fees plus the $700.00 that I owed and be charged with criminal offenses. They continue calling my ex-husbands cell phone and harrassing him on a daily basis. I...

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