Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options
Navient Solutions, Inc. Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't get flexible payment options Florida
To whom it may concern, From -, I attended - a private college in - no longer in operation. I have -. I have federal and private student loans. My issues today are the private loans serviced by Navient. Recipients of private loans have no legal protection or recourse when attempting to negotiate a more favorable interest or payment plan. We are basically indentured servants to a system that enjoys protections that no other creditor is given. We can not discharge the debt in court. We can not ask for a change in terms or avail ourselves of the same options as Federal loans. There are no suspension of payments or repayment plans based on income or consolidation of multiple loans without a credit check. Navient may state that these options are available but this is not true. What Navient offers are temporary fixes that do nothing to address the real issues, high interest rates, lack of consolidation options, and a willingness to assist in a flexible change of terms so that loans can be paid off in a reasonable length of time.The interest rates charged for my private loans are 12-13 %, variable and not negotiable. The terms are
the accrual of interest. Navient treats all loans as if they are federal when it suites them, such as grouping Federal and private loans together when setting payment amounts on household income instead of individual. I moved my Federal loans to - to provide leverage when discussing my private loans with Navient. What few rights I have, I have learned to use. My loans are based on my income now, after reiterating these are private loans to the customer service staff. I have always paid my student loans. I am now - years old and on Social Security. I see no incentive to continue paying private loans that, in essence, will never be paid off before I die. I have written to -, the Ombudsman at Navient and now this agency. Please level the playing field for private loan users. I stopped taking private loans after 2 years at college when I realized what was happening. There is something wrong when 2 years of private loans have an accrued balance greater than 4 years of Federal loans. The real crime is there is not a thing I can do to pay my loans off and my only option appears to be default. Thank-you for your attention to this matter.
Navient Solutions, Inc. customer in Florida
Nov 06, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Navient Solutions, Inc. response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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