Statebridge Company Mortgage department,
Other mortgage Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Florida
Requested Investor info after denial on -/-/- in writing from - - at - -, -, Not Its Individual Capacity but Solely as Trustee of the - c/o -, - - - -, FL -Told INV not offering any mods as retention at this time '' with no explanationsAppealed denial on -/-/- based on income change for - - for HAMP due to NPV Test failure on -/-/- which showed value of $ 69k and GMI of $ -SPOC - - advise he will submit for review of In-House Mod on -/-/-Sale date was on -/-/- and was canceled per the Sheriff 's Department on - was not successfully canceled and had to be rescinded in -/-/-Client was under final review for Trial Plan Offer she received from - - when she was pre-approved for the HAMP Program in -/-/-. Their loan was sold to Statebridge less than 2 wks after the HAMP Pre-Approval. No docs were sent to the borrowers. The SPOC at Statebridge, - -, was given the info from - and ran the numbers but came back with a denial -/-/- b/c NPV
$680.00 ( non-escrowed ) When denied by -, they were only 26 months past dueThe - Loan Modification Application was sent to - - at Statebridge on -/-/- via fax -. On -/-/- I had not received any response from Statebridge or - - so I emailed her and the SPOC when the loan was with - -, - - ( -- fax ) to advise I sent the Loan Mod package on both -/-/- and -/-/-. Per the client, a realtor showed up on -/-/- to advise their home was sold back to the bank ( Statebridge ) and they need to prepare for Eviction and find a place to liveI contacted the Sheriff 's Office to find out that the sale date on -/-/- was not successfully stopped, contacted Counsel for Statebridge, - - at - on -/-/- and received confirmation that afternoon that the sale will be rescindedAfter two ( 2 ) months of fighting this action and error on the lender and opposing counsels behalf, we finally got confirmation of the sale being rescinded and no sale date set on -/-/- per Sheriff 's OfficeOn -/-/-, - - stated that the sale was rescinded, they HAMP was denied for NPV Test, and they are reviewing for In-House ModOn -/-/-, - - advised the INV will not offer any MOD and gave no reason why. On -/-/-, the sale was reset for -/-/- and denied for all options. A written appeal and updated docs showing new income ( since the denial, the clients have experienced BOTH increased income and lessened expenses, respectively, which is supposed to entitle them to a new review ) was submitted to - - and - on -/-/--. - confirmed receipt and said he will review immediately. I followed up on -/-/-. He did n't review them b/c as advised on -/-/-, the investor is not offering any mods at this time ''. I advised him this is unacceptable and the new docs/appeal MUST BE REVIEWED as they were submitted 8 WEEKS PRIOR TO SALE DATE OF -/-/-. He ignored these demands. I resubmitted on : -/-/-, -/-/-, -/-/-, -/-/- and -/-/-, to prompt the re-reviewI requested a new SPOC on -/-/- but that was ignored. Spoke to manager - - who refused to address the submissions from -/-/- to -/-/- never even reviewed. She said she would email or fax me any/all letters but did not.She said they wo n't stop the -/-/- sale nor will they review the docs with updated information ( income, expenses, debt, etc. ) because they are not required to ''.
Statebridge Company customer in Florida
May 11, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Statebridge Company response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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