Red Rock Tribal Lending Managing The Loan Or Lease Complaints

Review and analysis of over 8 complaints against Red Rock Tribal Lending

Red Rock Tribal Lending consumers have reported over 8 official complaints related to Managing the loan or lease. Out of the 8 consumer complaints against Red Rock Tribal Lending, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Red Rock Tribal Lending responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Red Rock Tribal Lending resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Managing The Loan Or Lease Consumer Complaints

Red Rock Tribal Lending Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease managing the loan or lease

October 14, 2015 - I received a letter in the mail from Castle Payday ( not a payday loan, so they claim ). while applying online with specific agreements and rates and how much i would be paying and interest and fees, every thing was flowing smooth and i agreed on an $800.00 loan. before i could finish the process, they call me and want to finish out on the phone and they tried changing up the agreement where i would pay a $400.00 fee up front on my first payment, I told them that was not the agreement i electronically signed on the application over the internet, and that if we are going to proceed, I wil...

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Red Rock Tribal Lending Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

October 8, 2015 - I borrows $1000.00 from Castle Payday and I have pay back $1000.00 and the are saying that I have to pay back $8700.00 to get out of this, The finance Charge are $7700.00, When I first ask for a loan it was for $10000.00 and that was not ok so they sent me the $1000.00 and starter taken out $500.00 a month, they have taken the $1000.00 out my bank, so can you help me because I do n't have that type of money I ret. ...

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Red Rock Tribal Lending Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

June 29, 2015 - I took out a loan with castle payday for - dollars. At the end of that month if I had paid in full I would have paid -. I have paid - dollars for three consecutive months. And at this time I still owe - dollars. At this time I would like you to look into the legality of their practices. ...

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Red Rock Tribal Lending Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

June 17, 2015 - I took out a loan with CastlePayday a couple of weeks ago. They took money out for the - payment on - -. When dealing with a different loan issue, I realized that I did n't have a copy of my contract for this loan. I called them today, asking for a copy of the contract. They sent me a schedule of payments but no contract. I called back to request the terms of the loan. The person I talked to that time, said that it was not a payday loan, but that it was an installment loan. I told him that I was aware that it was an installment loan, but that I still wanted a copy of my loan paperwork...

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