Credit Central Holdings, LLC Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Complaints

Review and analysis of over 20 Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) complaints against Credit Central Holdings, LLC

Credit Central Holdings, LLC consumers have reported over 20 official complaints related to Other (phone, health club, etc.). Out of the 20 consumer complaints against Credit Central Holdings, LLC, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Credit Central Holdings, LLC responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Credit Central Holdings, LLC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Consumer Complaints

Credit Central Holdings, LLC Debt collection communication tactics threatened to take legal action

September 11, 2015 - Credit central in - AL came to my tailor with a letter demanding I call a woman at the company named - - I called From my cell phone I blocked my number witch they got the next day illegally and called me.. I only owed them - dollars.. The lady - treated to sue my girlfriend s camper trailer we live in and she tweeted to take my girlfriends - car.. My girlfriend did n't get the loan did n't sign any papers my girlfriends been living with me for a year and a half but she is still legally married to someone else in another state so we are not common law married.. Me and my girl...

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Credit Central Holdings, LLC Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened arrest/jail if do not pay

July 2, 2015 - Collector came to my home honked horn for - minutes with only my sick mother in law home. She finally came to the door and the lady asked if she was me. She said no she was n't. The lady demanded to know where I worked, what I drove, and when I 'll be home. She did n't tell the lady anything and asked the lady to leave the property. She refused and continued to raise her voice at my mother in law. She was asked to leave again and still refused. Mother in law said that she would call the cops if she did n't leave. Woman said that she would come back next time with officers to arrest me and t...

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