Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments
Great Lakes Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't temporarily postpone payments Maryland
This is about - and Great Lakes- I have been making regular payments to both for the majority of the past -10 years, excluding periods where I received a temporary deferment or forbearance after school or to continue my studies. I am moving out of state to start a - and care for my aging parents. I needed a forbearance for 3 months until school started as I would not have any income to make payments after I moved and prior to my new program. I contacted my lender 2 months in advance and asked what was available. Even knowing I would not have a job BUT that my income would resume ( I have documentation attesting that I have a salaried position beginning when I start my - in the -/-/2016 ), they informed me that I would have to pay or have my credit downgraded. I asked about partial payments, interest only payments, and any other programs. They pleasantly informed me that there was nothing they could do. I have worked - for ten years, getting paid much less than my counterparts doing work that is intended to assist those who can not help themselves. Even still, my
verify my future income and have an excellent payment and credit history has not made a difference. Additionally, a couple of years ago I joined the military and was - - for - months. Prior to and during that time, I tried to work with the lender to have my payments reduced, postponed or suspended while I was away. Eleven months later I received notices from my lenders that I was approved. I had continued paying up until that time because I did not want problems with the lenders or my credit because I had not heard from them. So my SCRA benefits were effectively unavailable to me. Now when I asked to use the time I was approved for that I did not get to use because of their unexplained delays, I am told that it is too late and I should have used it then. How is that possible? I can not use what you do not make available to me. I am not going to incur irreparable harm because of their failures. This is unacceptable. Even when I am entitled to assistance, they refuse to assist me! Something must be done. I do n't deserve to have my credit ruined because I want to support my parents and have achieved a milestone ( gained admittance to a Ph.D. Program all expenses paid with a salary ). While my situation is nowhere near as dire as that of others, I do not want to fail to follow through on my commitments. The crazy thing is, if this was a mortgage or credit card there would be options available to me. These same companies offer those services and options to me as a customer with a different product, but as a student somehow my needs and responsibilities are different. If I was of a different mind, I would let it go and never bother to pay them, knowing I have a job and a house and a car and can get around having negative credit. These backward and aggressive financial practices does not do the economy or our current and future workforces any good. We never should have bailed out these companies, especially since, when we need bail outs, ones that we can guarantee we can pay back, they are unwilling to help. As a taxpayer, consumer, and productive citizen I should get at the very least what these businesses get. There is no justice, no equality, no protection for me. Instead, my good service is ignored, my timely payment history is of no consequence, but my tax dollars are necessary to support institutions that do not support me. I request action. These businesses should not be allowed to operate if their practices are harmfully aggressive towards consumers.
Great Lakes customer in Maryland
May 04, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
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Closed with explanation
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