Loan To Learn Can'T Repay My Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 11 complaints against Loan To Learn

Loan To Learn consumers have reported over 11 official complaints related to Can't repay my loan. Out of the 11 consumer complaints against Loan To Learn, 36% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Loan To Learn responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Loan To Learn resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Can'T Repay My Loan Consumer Complaints

Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

November 3, 2016 - I called this Loan to Learn this morning to inquire about a forebearance and yo discuss past due amount. They transferred me to their loan servicing department at -. The rep there was able to tell me how much was past due and how long, etc. However, she did not provide a lot of information about how we could work together. I asked about a payment plan and if they could work with me, the rep kept asking me how much I could pay. I told her the issues I was having and I would n't really know until -. No payment plan was offered, the rep said it was ultimately up to me how much I wanted to p...

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Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

June 29, 2016 - In 2007 I took out a student loan with Loan to Learn to help with my attendance at - University -. The loan required me to obtain cosigners and my grandparents agreed to do so ... never did we expect the scenario to turn into the nightmare that it has been. My loan is currently in a delinquency status with Loan to Learn and was passed to a debt collection agency called - - -. I have been trying to reach an affordable amount of money that I would be able to pay toward this debt and the debt collection agency has been dictating to me what amount of money they will accept which is ...

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Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

December 19, 2015 - My name is - and I would like to share my story in dealing with my current student loan in default. I come from a single parent home and the idea of college was always out of the question. I am the - out of - kids. No sibling before me went to college. I decided that I wanted to be the first in my family to do so. I joined the AVID program in my junior year of high school and from day I was told that in order to stay in the program I had to be 'college bound. ' I alse kept being told that money should never be an issue. There is a financial aid I can apple for and most likely recive b...

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Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

November 4, 2015 - The name of the institution that has my student loan is, which I found through - -. The situation is that I acquired this loan in -/-/- for $16000.00 and as of -/-/-, I still owe over $12000.00 on it. There 's just no movement on it whatsoever. At the rate I am paying, it will take me an additional 11 years to pay off this debt. I was divorced after nine years in -/-/- and I do not have that second income to assist in paying my debts. I make a quarter of what my ex-husband made, so I 'm struggling with debt that was in my name but shared in the marr...

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Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan

April 30, 2015 - Back in -, I co-signed a non-federal private student loan for my ex-boyfriend with Loan to - - - - - -. Loan amount at the time was $13000.00. I have not spoken to him since - and apparently he stopped making payments late last year. The - I heard about this was around - -, - when I received a letter from an attorney 's office in an attempt to collect the debt. Principal due in that letter was $9700.00 plus interest and attorneys fees. Once I got that letter, I contacted them via email on - - and asked them to send me the loan paperwork. They did c...

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Loan To Learn Student loan can't repay my loan

April 11, 2015 - - has tried - times to take me to court. -The - time was in - where the attorney for them was - -. - - hounded me and violated the FDCPA, and I sent him a cease and desist letter through an attorney. The attorney later left the case citing there was n't enough information to follow through on FDCPA claims ( I later found out I have a phone recording that verifies my statements and shows that the FDCPA was violated ). I went to the courthouse on -/-/- at - - to no other parties and was told that the case was dismissed. -The - time was in - and ...

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