American Student Assistance Issue Resolution

Resources for resolving common issues with American Student Assistance products and services

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a 21st century agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering consumers to take more control over their economic lives.

The CFPB will forward your complaint to American Student Assistance and work to get a response. After your complaint is forwarded, American Student Assistance has 15 days to respond to you and the CFPB. American Student Assistance is expected to close all but the most complicated complaints within 60 days.

Submit a complaint Help Center

New American Student Assistance Consumer Complaints

American Student Assistance Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

April 6, 2015 - In -/-/- I went to a - school at the school, they told me these were PELL grants they were not to be paid back. I was on county assistance at the time my case worker also had to check this paper work because she wanted to make sure i wasnt receiving extra money besides what the state was giving me monthly ... she also told me they would not have to be paid back by me they were federal pell grants given to low income partcipants. in -/-/- I rented an apartment and this student loan was a negative mark on my - print out the apartment managers is the one who told me i needed to ca...

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